Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Bantul menangis #1

Maaf kawan, saya belum bisa menerima telepon simpati dari kalian. Saya masih trauma...
Thanks doanya...

Bantul menangis #2

Hari pertama dan kedua adalah hari trauma.
Hari ketiga adalah hari kebangkitan.
Muncul ide untuk jemput bola. Bantuan tidak bakal datang bila tidak dipancing.
Yuk bikin proposal, ajak saya pada adik laki-laki saya.
Dengan gaya LSM (atau panitia tujuhbelasan?) kami susun proposal sederhana--> Nama lokasi, bentuk kerugian, jumlah kerugian, jenis bantuan yang diperlukan.
Ide terus berkembang... Kata adikku: Lengkapi dengan foto! Jepret sana-sini pakai kamera digital. Rencana besok pagi (31/5) proposal dan foto kelar. Moga2 lancar dan lekas dapat bantuan.
Silakan "dikloning" ide ini!

Thanks buat rekan2 dari Kompas-Gramedia yang telah datang tanpa proposal pada hari selasa (30/5)ke dusun kami Gedongan, Trirenggo, Bantul. Bantuan masih ditunggu, khususnya barak-barak tempat berteduh... GBU!

Bantul Menangis #3

Inilah tampilan Kab. Bantul sebelum dan sesudah gempa.
Foto hasil perekaman satelit resolusi tinggi IKONOS. PAda kejadian tsunami di Aceh, peran citra resolusi tinggi dalam identifikasi dan rekonstruksi Aceh sangat besar perannya. Selain IKONOS dikenal pula citra resolusi tinggi lainnya yakni Quickbird.
lokasi di
UL : 110.387972 E / 7.852147 S
LR : 110.400194 E / 7.865733 S
sumber dari situs CRISP

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Basketball and Jesus

by: Johnny Kicklighter

Our church has an organized basketball program managed and coached by Doug White (not to be confused by our pastor who also has the same name). Recently, I asked Doug why he was so passionate about the sport of basketball, and what does basketball have to do with Christianity. I thought his philosophy may be helpful to others who desire to build a church sports program. He expounded that organized basketball can be a great Christian training ground. Doug believed it starts with the right goal in mind: building up believers for their Christian walk. Coach White adheres to the following eight principles:

1. The program leader and coaches must remember the program goal in every activity they undertake. The core to a successful basketball program is conditioning and fundamentals. Those are two things most kids will like the least because they’re infected by television sports; where the focus is on the individual player to look as good as possible. By focusing on conditioning and fundamentals, coaches can begin to wean their kids off of the glory-seeking mentality inherent in today’s professional sports and develop a TEAM.

2. Every practice must begin and end with a prayer and those prayers should be led by players as soon as possible. The last 15 minutes of every practice should be a Bible study lesson where the players MUST bring a lesson or verse and be prepared to give its meaning and an application to basketball or their daily lives. Every player is required to have their Bible in hand and a lesson written down inside.

3. The Bible study lesson will be one of the most emotionally challenging tasks the players will face. Not only do they have to read and understand, but they also have to speak in front of their peers. To demonstrate how simple the task really is, Coach White will lead the first 2 or 3 by turning to a chapter in Proverbs. Proverbs is an easy book to use because it’s built around life lessons. The challenges faced on the court boil down to challenges in life: anger management, cooperation, physical effort, pain, disappointment, and joy. The requirement to have a lesson on a piece of paper can be answered simply by writing a Proverb on a piece of paper with the point the player is trying to make. Those without a Bible or lesson earn a martyr (what the secular world calls a “suicide”) for each infraction. The penalized player will run while we prepare the lesson.

4. Coaches need to remind their players that all the heavy conditioning will be lifelong examples the players can use when basketball becomes just a fond memory. Working hard and hammering their bodies into fit vessels will make their brains more alert and able to accomplish seemingly impossible physical tasks for years into the future. And if some of the players actually choose to become missionaries, their physical training will form a great basis to endure the hardships in third world countries.

5. To successfully reach the primary goal of improving our Christian walk, basketball games become framed in the context of physical contests and opportunities to demonstrate a Christ-like attitude. Christian players do NOT challenge or complain about a referee’s call. The Christian player appreciates the referee’s difficult position of managing chaos and understands the thankless job they’ve undertaken. Complaining about a call, rolling their eyes, or hot-dogging earns them an immediate spot on the bench where they can see the cost to their teammates of their absence.

6. The other team is not “the enemy” but are brothers that challenge us. If the other team is secular, then we become a team of witnesses of how Jesus would behave and how He makes us different. The goal as a Christian team is put out an effort level Jesus would be pleased with, and an attitude that makes fans and players both wonder how it can be in today’s world. As Christians playing basketball, we should be victorious whether we’re winning or losing the game.

7. When the game is over, win or lose, the players must understand that God is in control. God is a “details kind of guy” who has numbered the cattle on a thousand hills, so he knows exactly what went on during the game. And He watches what happens AFTER the game. Win or lose, the Christian team is the envy of every fan and every coach because of how they behave AND how they play. As the coach for a Christian team, you model that same attitude. No team is ever “blown out” by your team, no matter how poor their skills. Every team gets the same level of respect you want for your team -- even if that means you put a lid on your best players, denying them the opportunity to score at will. We still play hard and give our best effort, but we can always stop short of running up the score.

8. The real measure of success for the coach isn’t the won-loss record, but the activities his players become involved in once basketball is over. A successful coach will have successful PEOPLE graduating from his program, and they, in turn, can positively affect the people they come in contact with as they go through life.

Coach White's basketball link can be found at www.ebiblechurch.net.

About The Author
Johnny Kicklilghter is a member of Edgemont Bible Church located in Fairview Hts, Illinois.

What is God? Where is God?

by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

“I have a hard time with the concept of God. I was not brought up in a religious family. I believe there is something beyond myself, but I just don’t know how to think of it or experience it.”

“I was brought up in family where God was portrayed as judgmental and punishing. I can’t even hear the word ‘God’ without feeling anxious. How am I supposed to open to God when I believe that God is controlling?”

“How can I believe in God when there are so many bad things that happen to people? If there really is a God, then why does He let these things happen?”

“God as a man just does not work for me. The men in my life have been mostly angry and controlling. I don’t feel safe opening to a male god.”

These are a few of the many comments I hear from my clients as I work with helping them open to a personal source of spiritual guidance.

The New Testament is very clear regarding what God is:

John 4:24
“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

1 John 4:8
He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

1 John 4:16
“God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

John tells us that “God is Spirit” and “God is love.” He tells us that when we are being loving, we are within God and God is within us.

My personal experience is that God is love, peace, joy, and truth, and that God is everywhere, both within us and all around us. When our hearts are open to love, compassion and kindness toward ourselves and others, we experience the fullness of God within us and the safety of being within God.

My experience is that God is always here guiding us toward our highest good. One of the ways I help my clients to access the wisdom that God has for us each and every moment is to imagine a spiritual being that is here just for you. This can be a Teacher, a mentor, a guardian angel, a beloved relative who has passed away, or the highest, wisest part of yourself – your own higher self. By opening to learning with a wise and loving being who wants nothing more than to guide you toward your joy and the full manifestation of yourself, you open to being guided by the love and wisdom of God.

This guidance is your birthright. We were not dumped alone on the planet to fend for ourselves. Yet you will not have an experience of this love and guidance until you open to learning from God. My clients who practice opening to learning with a spiritual source of love and wisdom discover for themselves the truth of God. They are no longer caught in beliefs that do not served them – that God is judgmental, controlling and punishing; that God does not exist; that God will never be there for them personally; that they have to earn God’s love; that God can stop people from harming each other.

You will know God when you open your heart to learning about loving actions toward yourself and others. When your primary intention is to learn about how to love yourself and others, rather than to keep on trying to get love or avoid pain, you will have a personal experience of God.

If the term “God” is a negative trigger for you, then change it to Spirit, or Higher Power, or whatever works for you. God is not a being who cares about a name. God is the ever-present experience of love, compassion, truth, peace and joy that is always available for you whenever you choose to open your heart.

About The Author
Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You? and "Healing Your Aloneness." She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Learn Inner bonding now! Visit her website for a FREE Inner Bonding course: http://www.innerbonding.com or email her at mailto:margaret@innerbonding.com. Phone sessions available.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Online Bible Study

by Eric Morris

Bible study is the process of learning about Christianity by studying the bible in an academic sense. It includes a study of the Old as well as the New Testaments. It is study of other literature and theological studies related to the bible. Bible study also involves discussions that reflect about the teachings of the bible.

Bible study is traditionally offered at special bible schools or colleges or other bible institutions. Some Universities in Europe also have bible study as part of the curriculum. There are two kinds of bible studies: 1) an Exegesis to understand the inherent meaning of the scriptures and 2) as a training to become a minister. Similarly, there is no particular way in which the bible can be studied. It can be studied as a part of the subject of theology or it can be learnt just to understand the literal meaning of the bible.

There are various stages in bible study such as Bible 1, Bible 2 or Bible 3. Generally, bible study involves the study of the Old Testament (Genesis along with the other four books of the Pentateuch), New Testament comprising of the Gospel account of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in a fourfold setting and Acts of the Apostles, Paul's Epistles, the major treatises of Romans (i.e. Epistle to the Romans) and Revelation. Some courses are specially designed to teach short term missionary outreach, Christian education, discipleship training and counseling, especially for people aspiring to be ministers.

They are general guidelines for understanding Jesus Christ, Christianity, salvation, the church, and the meaning of life according to Christianity. The main objective is to make life more meaningful and worthy. The main purpose is to know what the bible says about God, money, shame, hope, mercy, tests, trials, suffering, faith, repentance, confession, sacrifice, faithfulness and so on. Bible study also teaches about relationships, responsibilities of Christians, church work, and the attitudes and commitment required for being a good Christian.

Bible study can be by books, videos, CDs, or even the Internet. There are several websites that provide online bible study. There are many organizations which provide online bible study courses. There are special online bible study classes for children as young as even 3 years old. These online studies contain lively discussions, lectures, notes and interactive games like quizzes and puzzles.

About the Author
Bible Study provides detailed information on Bible Study, Free Bible Study, Online Bible Study, Child Bible Study and more. Bible Study is affliated with How To Pray The Rosary.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Is Prayer Important for the Christian?

Prayer. What is prayer? Let us define prayer as simply communicating with our Creator. Prayer might be asking God for help. It might be thanking Him for His blessings. Or it might be simply communicating, much the same way we might talk with a friend, discussing our day.

How important is prayer? If we believe in the Creator, believe He exists, and we believe that He desires to have a relationship with us, how important is prayer? If prayer is simply communicating, chatting if I may, then how important is prayer?

If we define prayer as simply chatting with God, and He desires a relationship with us, then perhaps we can compare prayer with talking with our best friend or spouse. How important is daily communication with our spouse or our best friend? Do we grow closer when we do not engage in daily conversation?

When we engage in daily conversation in any relationship, it should enable us to grow closer to that individual. So if we talk with God daily, do we not also grow closer to Him daily? And if we do not communicate with God daily, can we really grow closer? Even if we fill our lives with ‘holy’ activities—reading spiritual books, doing good works, going to church---will we grow closer without the daily communication that prayer is?

Prayer is infinitely important. When I pray daily, when I communicate daily with God and make time for Him in my life, I really do have an easier road. When I do not spend time with God daily, especially communicating with Him, I notice a profound difference in my daily achievements.

When you pray, you are communicating with the Creator of the universe. The Creator sincerely wants to hear and answer your prayers.

Are you communicating with God daily? Do you make time for Him everyday, no matter what? If you do, great. If not, I challenge you to get into the habit now. You will notice an immediate difference in the way you perceive things and in the way you respond to the world around you. Prayer does indeed change things.

About The Author

Sean Mize is a Christian Entrepreneur and Christian internet Marketer, and the author of “The Christian Guide to Maximizing Your Time”, which can be ordered via http://www.christiansuccessnetwork.com

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Tenaga Profesional dari Jawa, Lho..!

Lha.., apa sih
hebatnya orang Jawa..?

Akui saja kalau bangsa ini tidak percaya diri. Lihat saja, nawarin motor saja musti ada embel-embel: dikerjakan oleh tenaga ahli dari jepang. Demikian pula dengan shampoo anti ketombe yang iklannya wajib nongolin bule pake baju laboratorium asyik ngaduk-ngaduk serbuk putih di kepala. (Emang di Amerika masih ada yang ketombean?)
Anehnya, dalam skala lokal ada juga gejala seperti ini. Orang luar-jawa menganggap orang Jawa lebih mumpuni. tengok saja iklan yang saya sobek dari koran lokal Gorontalo saat saya singgah di sana.

Sebagai orang Jawa, saya cuma terkikik geli. lha opo hebate wong Jowo ?

Anang, yb