Monday, July 28, 2008

Beranikah kamu mengukur perjalanan spiritualmu?

Statue erected to celebrate the inclusion of W...Image via WikipediaTiba-tiba saja kaki saya terayun ke kamar bermain di lantai dua. Di sana ada dua lemari kembar berisi kumpulan buku, saya menganggapnya sebagai perpustakaan. Entah mengapa, tangan saya terjulur dan selanjutnya kelima jari kanan saya tau-tau sudah menjepit buku berjudul "Perjalanan Spiritual" tulisan M.A.W. Brouwer. Buku ini adalah satu dari sepertiga koleksi buku saya yang masih bersegel rapat. Ya, jujur saja masih cukup banyak buku yang belum terbaca.

Mengapa jemari saya mendadak menarik buku bersampul kuning ini? Ah, nanti juga ketauan apa mauNya dengan memaksa saya membaca buku ini. Setidaknya saya meyakini ditanganNya tak ada istilah kebetulan.

Perjalanan spiritual? Ah, -jujur saja- frase itu begitu menakutkan untuk dijadikan bahan posting di blog ini! Andai boleh berkelit, saya akan lebih senang disuruh menjabarkan perjalanan karier saya. Gampang saja. Saya bisa mulai dari bulan Februari 1996 saat diwisuda, lantas mengembara di Jakarta menjadi karyawan perusahaan konsultan, hingga Agustus 2001 nekad menjadi orang rumahan: konsultan self employed.

Tapi tidak, topik yang musti saya tulis adalah perjalanan spiritual, bukannya perjalanan karier! Dari titik mana saya musti merangkai awal perjalanan? Dari lahir saat dituangi air suci? Atau diringkas saja sejak saya cukup tahu soal spiritualitas? Atau saat saya disadarkan bahwa menjadi pelayan Tuhan justeru mendatangkan berkah dan rejeki berlimpah? Ah, kawan. Saya belum cukup berani untuk menengok ke belakang merangkai kembali tahap perkembangan spiritualitas saya.

Akan tiba waktunya dimana saya akan merangkai kisah perjalanan spiritualitas saya. Laksana Jenderal yang masih berkuasa, saya belum siap untuk terlihat kecil dan penuh debu.

Namun setidaknya, ada pencapaian yang musti sesegera mungkin saya tuju dalam perjalanan spiritualitas ini.

Menjadi yang terkecil saat berada di depan
Menjadi terang saat semua lebih suka kegelapan
Lebih ingin memahami daripada dipahami
Mengasihi Tuhan dengan lebih sederhana
Mengasihi pasangan tanpa syarat
Mengasihi buah hati seperti melindungi biji mata

Beri aku kekukatan untuk menempuh perjalanan spiritual ini, dan membeberkannya di blog ini!

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Sunday, July 27, 2008

GPS Insight

I’m from Indonesia, the country with the biggest rainforest. Deforestation is the serious problem in my country. Illegal logging is the main problem of deforestation. My government very serious to solve the forest problem. Only the credible investor with eco-friendly technology can invest their capital in Indonesia.

Forest industry needs a high quality fleet that requires technology to manage the logistics and planning from Forest to Sawmill or Port. GPS tracking or vehicles tracking is the solution. This technology provides real time visibility of vehicle/assets and driver locations on a detailed up-to-date Digital map.
Application of vehicle tracking not only for truck or big fleet. You can apply this technology for other transportation mode. In Indonesia, vehicle tracking applied in ship to manage logistic in water transportation.

What’s the benefit to apply vehicle tracking?

First, driver, vehicle, speed, geo boundary, customer and event details are available in the list view below the map display. The popup map window allows you to view details of any point in the trail without losing perspective of the overall activity. For example, GPS Insight uses satellites and AT&T/T-Mobile to provide you with highly accurate vehicle locations every 2 minutes throughout the US and Canada. It’s amazing!

Second, GPS tracking provide detail information about Fuel Consumption, Speed Violations, Vehicle Performance (Trouble Codes), Activity Detail, Odd Hours, Landmark Activity, Landmark Activity, and many others. A customer needs a large amount of historical data on fuel, and fortunately we have this data going back for one year for all our customers, and keep moving forward indefinitely. Within a few days, based on this request, we released the new GPS Insight "Fuel Consumption" report that uses real data from the vehicles' computer to determine actual fuel (gas or diesel) for consumption of all vehicles compatible (only about 95% of the track vehicles that are compatible with some old vehicles, and occasional exceptions).

The good news comes from Blog for GPS vehicle tracking. Now we can use GPS Insight to import and store/distribute your custom mapping overlays.
This is useful when we have better aerial photographs, site or subdivision plans, or custom maps to use with your GPS data. With this module, we can create an overlay in Google Earth by choosing “Add→Overlay”
Please look at picture below:

If GPS Insight vehicle tracking system is your favorite product, you will be gets the big benefit like these:

* Quick real-time updates and 2 minutes vehicle locations to help their dispatchers to know exactly which vehicles are approaching the new orders - no more than call the driver or who depend on them to facilitate their location and condition of travel.

* 90 days of history, allowing him to go back and make sure you have indisputable proof of service billing or where issues of service.

* Reports to identify wasteful and reckless speeding with 100% accuracy of the reading speed of the engine team.

* Start / end of the day and detailed reports, 2 minute updates, which can help identify fraudulent hours claimed by their drivers.

* Off-Hours/Weekend use the reports to help identify vehicles for personal use, jobs hand, and inappropriate use of the vehicle.

* Theft of recovery and real-time tracking to guide the police to robbers

* MPG, fuel consumption and downtime reports easily identify wasteful vehicles and driver behavior.

* Identify automated alerts to the condition of light and accurate engine fault codes, along with scheduled service reminders and a daily service.

* Emissions report will identify vehicles that require the service before leaving for testing, and help maintain its fleet operating clean.

* Identify and be alerted to brake hard and over-revving activity.

* 24x7 roadside assistance and theft recovery center is included.

Visit GPS Insight support wiki for customers to get details products

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Modern Furniture Store for You

Last week, I finished my new bedroom. Now, it’s bigger than before. I have 3 bedrooms but only in here every night my family joins to sleep together. It’s our favorite room. With soft green color make our bedroom very comfort. We have 2 modern furniture in here. For me and my wife, we choose modern bedroom. gives me a great inspiration. For my child, the funny bed with Kungfu panda pictures covered his soft bed.
You need inspiration to make your bedroom, dinning room, or kids room very comfortable? Please visit to my favorite site: It’s your dreamy room!

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Monday, July 21, 2008

Tak cuma foto artis telanjang

Yap, Roy suryo tak sekadar mahir mengulik foto artis telanjang atau video mesum pejabat. Kini dia pun piawai menelisik keaslian suatu lagu, tepatnya menyelidiki pemilik asli lagu yang lagi diminati infotainment: lagu Jauh Kau Pergi karangan Gabby alias Geby alias Gebby.

Lagu Jauh Kau Pergi yang dipopulerkan oleh Band Caramel asal Makassar itu milik Abe, papar Roy Suryo mantap di depan sorot kamera infotainment. Abe sendiri adalah anak muda asal Makasar.

Menurut Roy, lagu Geby hasil rekaman 11 Juli 2005. Roy sendiri sudah mencocokan video yang dipunyai Abe dengan yang beredar di internet. Cocok, katanya.

Abe sendiri mengakui kalau lagu itu direkam pada pada tanggal 11 Juli 2005, dalam acara 'Sang Dipa' (Sanggar Dipanegara) di kampus STIMIK Dipanegara, Makassar.
Oh.. gitu ya..

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Learn to Use SEO Techniques

Learn to use search engine optimization techniques when writing your articles. If hiring a writer to write articles for you, you can choose one who already knows about SEO or you can supply them with a list of keywords and let them know where they should be placed and how many times they should be repeated throughout the article. Optimizing your articles for search engines will help them rank higher when someone searches for a keyword relating to your subject, which means that you will receive more visitors because more people will actually see your URL. It is a fact that most visitors don’t look past the first search engine result page and by the third search engine results page there is practically no audience left for you to promote to. What this means for those on the third or high page is no traffic. This is why it is very important for you to make sure that your articles are prepared in a way that will eventually get them to that first or second search engine results page. You need free articles for your website or blogs? Please fell free to copy from
Zemanta Pixie

Get The Most Effective Online Poker Lessons

Poker is best learned at a real casino, because that is where the action is. There are many casinos in Las Vegas that offer free lessons poker in the morning. It is always a good idea to call the casino and ask if they have this service before you make a trip.

If you do not feel like going to Las Vegas to get free lessons in poker, then you should visit a few more sites offering poker lessons that could be purchased and used in your home. Another option is that you try the professional online poker schools. They have what it takes to teach you the basics of poker game.

Another way to learn how to play poker is to visit Many professional players join in this site and share or give you poker lessons. At Poker Ownage you will find current poker room reviews , online poker rooms, and the latest poker bonus codes to boost your bankroll. Learn rules and advice foe Texas holdem, Omaha hi and other top poker games. You know, there are a number of web sites that provide free online poker information to their visitors. Some of the information available at Poker Ownage more than a simple rewiew.

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Beginner Gambler Need Poker Monger

The most obvious reason to play poker online is that you'll be able to participate in the game whenever you want. Even if the middle of the night, you can connect to your account and play a few hands. Since online poker has become so popular there are people from all over the world to play. This means that whenever you want a game, you can, no questions asked. This is something that is absolutely not the case if you used to play with friends.

Another big advantage of online poker is that you can test your skills against the best. When you play against your friends every week, things can get because you know their habits and style, but if you play poker online always linked to new players a challenge. This may be a little intimidating, but over time you develop in the past. In no time, the contest not chooses a better player. And, of course, this will mean more money in your pocket.

And do not forget the money you can win with online poker. Even if you can get a lot of money to play in the field, on the basis of casinos, this is not a viable option for any player poker. When you play poker online, you'll be able to win two different ways. You can join an online poker room and play a few hands. Or you can buy in a tournament that is where money can be done. There are a number of online tournaments that these disbursements in the tens of thousands of dollars. Can you imagine that the pot to win?
If you are a beginner in poker world, Poker Mongeris right direction that will teach you the basic poker strategy you will need to get started. will show you how to make poker online can be great entertainment for you.

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

celebration meets the elegant champagne gift baskets

Are you lost idea on what to buy for an expecting mother? Trust me, baby gift baskets are always a great present!. They are a very personal and very practical. You can bought everything she will need for her child.

Baby gift baskets are essentially specialty gift baskets and it's can contain a variety of baby products such as, bottles, teddy bear, shoes,photo albums, toys, pacifiers, onesies, teething toys. You can purchase baby gift baskets in variety of choices available for virtually anyone’s price bracket.

For other celebration, it's a good idea to visit my favorite site: You can find unstopable idea how to make a simple basket to an amazing gift basket. For example, please look at the champagne gift baskets from It's the best selection of uniques and elegant wine gift basket!

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Saturday, July 19, 2008

How to create a blog with Blogger

Hi friends!
Need help getting started with Blogger? you need to have already created an account on before create a free blog on Blog.pot. Once you've logged into, click the Create a Blog link above your list of blogs. More details, check out this quick tutorial!

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie


If you are dreaming of being a successful person with successful business to get yourself wealthy, riding in your own luxurious car, now with the help of Nouveau Riche University it is not just a dream anymore. Check out about it in the website at Nouveau Riche University provides an educational learning and training systems for adult to help gaining business success goal.

By taking the offer of Nouveau Riche University you will get more knowledge and skills to compete in the business world and industry. Go to the website and see the scope of the programs they have such as the coaching program, the intensives, local briefings and more. This is a solution if you want to start a new business or you are an investor who seeks for more business references. Take the independent study and experience an enjoyable learning.

In the website you can see the detailed information about part of the Nouveau Riche such as about the curriculum, advisory board, instructors, locations, home study program, study benefits, alumni and more. Do not hesitate to contact them if you wish to know more about the scope of their educational programs. Your future is in your hands; begin your success story with Nouveau Riche.
original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie


Being a successful person with luxurious lifestyle is now more reachable if you start by learning in Nouveau Riche University. It is not a dream that you will have a successful business that makes you a wealthy person riding your own luxurious car and even give some of your money in charity. Check out the Nouveau Riche University website at and see what they have for you.

In the website you will see the success story of several people having the experience of taking educational learning in Nouveau Riche University. You will see that the people had their lives changed by taking the opportunity in the business world as the result of having more skill and knowledge that they got from Nouveau Riche. The website is the best place for investor or real estate businessmen and businesswomen or you who want to learn about that scope of business. Is Nouveau Riche Scam? It is too good to be true? Absolutely not. Nouveau Richie scam is not true. So, forget it about Nouveau Richie scam.

Start taking a glance at the website and see the bright future of yours. Nouveau Riche offers you a professional educational learning and training to be implemented in the real competitive business world especially in terms of real estate investment. Find the links to find out more about the student benefits, distance learning, community, real market experts, and more.

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Friday, July 18, 2008

Cord dan Lirik Lagu Gabby "Jauh Kau Pergi" Plus Video Gabby

G D Em Bm
pernah ada rasa cinta
C G Am D
antara kita kini tinggal kenangan

ingin kulupakan
Em Bm
semua tentang dirimu
C G Am D G
namun tak lagi kan seperti dirimu oh bintangku

Reff :
G d Em Bm
jauh kau pergi meninggalkan diriku
C G Am D
disini aku merindukan dirimu
G D Em Bm
kini ku coba mencari penggantimu
C G Am D G
namun tak lagi kan seperti dirimu oh kekasih

original post by anang, yb


If you are active in yoga activities to refresh you mind from you stressful working hours you must complete your yoga time with the best yoga products available online in the website at Search for yoga mat bags, and you will be finding large options of the products in many models and styles. You can see the total of 206 results of the products, delivered in different prices and specifications.

In the website you will find the product categories of cotton yoga mat bags, water resistant yoga mat bags, pink balance ball, flower yoga mat, yoga brick, and many more. Each of the products has different price and function. You can filter the products based on the price range or the brand to narrow down your choice and to make it easier for you to choose. Not only the products options, you can also view the buying guides of many kinds of product inventories.

Go to the now and start to take a look at the products offered there. To get started you can simply log in or register and begin your online shopping by adding the products into your shopping cart. Save your time in getting the high quality products to support your yoga activities.

original post by anang, yb


If you are currently planning to have a vacation, you must have it all managed including the things concerning the hotels you are going to stay in your destination cities. Use the service of hotel reservation online in the website at and experience fast and easy hotel booking. Wherever your destination is, you can find the large selection of hotels in many countries worldwide.

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Start browsing now in the website and find the hotels in any city destinations worldwide, no matter if it is in France, Australia, Spain, Germany, Italy, or South Africa. Pick among the various star rating and prices. Use the search engine to find the hotels in specific city or suburb. Search by region or by hotel name and save your time to manage your vacation.

original post by anang, yb

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Negeri Hangat-hangat Mie Ayam

Ini posting saya ke 310 di blog ini. Wuih... banyak juga ya.
Senang rasanya menjadi tukang catat atas kejadian di negeri ini. Setidaknya obsesi menjadi jurnalis tersalur lewat blog.

Sebetulnya ada dorongan kuat untuk beralih dari tulisan kritis bernada komplain ke tulisan yang lebih positif. Tapi kok susah ya? Mungkin ada dua alasan kuat: pertama memang negeri ini masih butuh kritik,; kedua, kepribadian saya masih dilumuri sikap negative thinking hehehe...

Okey deh.
Saya mau nulis soal konsistensi khususnya segala macam gerakan dan kampanye yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah.

Krisis energi listrik? Halaah...
Sejak kelas 3 SD kita sudah dikenalkan dengan istilah PLTA, PLTU, PLTD dst... Apa yang salah dengan negeri yang kaya dengan potensi pembangkit listrik ini ? (tuh.. kan, saya mulai cari-cari kesalahan hehe..)
Tampaknya ada salah kelola. Energi sedemikian murah, eh.. masih disubsidi lagi. Jadilah kita warga hedonis-energi listrik. Tak ada walikota atau bupati yang tak pasang lampu hias warna-warni di jalan protokol. Semua berlomba.

Di Bogor, tepatnya di kantor Badan Planologi Kehutanan, semua ruangan dipasang AC. Padahal kantor itu menempati bangunan bekas jaman kolonial lengkap dengan bukaan jendela sepanjang 2 meter dan plafon 4 meter. Sangat cukup untuk menjaring udara Bogor yang sepanjang hari sudah sejuk.Justeru karena dipasang AC, maka semua daun jendela dan lubang angin dan pintu selalu tertutup rapat.

Sutiyoso pernah bikin program matikan sebagian lift selewat jam masuk kantor. Ada juga aturan minimal suhu AC yang boleh diset. Ada juga aturan untuk mematikan lampu jalanan pada jam tertentu. Ada juga aturan untukmematikan listrik di gedung swasta selewat jam 7 malam. Di level pemerintahan pusat pernah ada pembatasan jam siaran televisi. Ada juga program penjualan lampu hemat energi di kantor-kantor PLN.

Tapi kemana lagi kampanye hemat listrik tersebut? Nyaris tak terdengar. AC di ruang rapat kantor-kantor pemerintahan masih menggigit karena sedemikian dinginnya. Lampu hias warna-warni dengan bentuk aneka rupa mulai dari burung garuda di simpang Pancoran, pohon kelapa di jalan sudirman ataupun lampu selang sepanjang puluhan meter masih saja berkelap-kelip di semua sudut jalanan.

Negeri ini memang negeri hangat-hangat mie ayam. Hanya lezat dan nikmat selagi masih hangat dibicarakan. Selepas itu, kembalilah kita pada selera asal. Hedonis!
original post by anang, yb

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Paid Review super kere..

Entah memang kere beneran atau iseng yang nggak lucu, tapi tengoklah salah satu advertiser di buyblogsreview di bawah ini:

Maunya si pengiklan ini adalah: kita diminta memuat sebuah review sepanjang 150 kata untuk web dia dengan nama domain PURWOKERTO !!!
Bayarannya itu lho yang bikin keki, cuman US$ 0.000001
Halah !!!
Biarpun reviewnya bisa njiplak dari situs free PLR (privat Label Right), tapi siapa sih yang mau? buat bayar koneksi internet aja nombok hehehe....

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Toys, a gift for your child

Are you remembering to hula hops? Yes this is a classics toy. Maybe your child never has seen this toy and more familiar with barbie doll or pokemon. If you are thinking classic toys never die, please visit shopwiki!
Since there are literally thousands of toys on the market, it may be hard for you in choosing a gift Creative Toys for your child. Never fear! Shopwiki provide Toy Game Guides and offer a large purchase advice for these kinds of toys and games
It’s easy to find outdoor games and toys for your active child! Trust me that sports and recreation equipment will help develop fine and gross motor skills, and for older kids, they teach teamwork, healthy competition, and individuality.

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Say With Under Cover Candy!

No time more memorable than baptism time! Yes, it’s time to celebrate for Christian family, like me. Black forest cake maybe can make party more funny but you can try this one: christening favors candy!
It’s personalized candy. It’s different. offer beautiful personalized kids candy bars, personalized mint tins, decorated cookie favors and much more.You can buy God Bless Christening Mini Candybar Wrappers or chocolate bar favors.

original post by anang, yb

Say with Color Paint

How many colors of your home? Only two or fuul of color? Well, check your color personality expression. Pink is beautiful expression. It's easy to know that your paint job, and find the right so that the paintings on shopwiki.
They know a good job of painting to do wonders for your home and can even do seems almost new home. But it is not small task to do alone, but if properly can be very rewarding and save money in the long term. Take the time to read all the way from shopwiki interior house paints to learn as much as possible about the right purchase of paintings from house painting supplies and make sure that you have the right tools to do the job.

original post by anang, yb

De vacantes viene

Es hora de recoger información sobre Europa destino! Sí, vacante está llegando!
Los que permanecen en los Venecia hoteles tendrá la oportunidad de visitar el Arsenal de Venecia, Venecia Por favor, escriba en la máxima prioridad. Usted recibirá momento memorable en la fantasía-como, panorámica astillero y puerto de acoplamiento. Es alineadas con las estructuras de apariencia de hadas. Y para aquellos que quieran ver algunas de las bellas arte Venecia tiene que ofrecer, la Peggy Guggenheim Collection ubicado en el Gran Canal es donde debe ir. Es la ecléctica colección de piezas el personal de la esposa del artista surrealista Max Ernst. Hoteles en Venecia ir rápido debido a la popularidad de la ciudad. Los viajeros deben utilizar libro a modo de anticipación Venecia hoteles baratos. No se preocupe si no Venecia en su lista corta. Es fácil para reservar Alessandria hoteles, Rio Marina Hoteles en el segundo minuto.

original post by anang, yb

Friday, July 11, 2008

Bagaimana Cara Memilih Nama Domain yang Cocok?

Tampaknya lebih enak memberi nama bayi daripada mencari nama untuk domain kita! Lho kenapa? Ya, karena di gramedia ada sederet buku kumpulan nama bayi yang bisa kita pilih sesukanya. Mau nama bayi sesuai fengsui? ada dong. Atau pingin nama bayi dengan lafal timur tengah? atau Nama bayi yang sok ke-artis-artisan? Ada juga...
Sayangnya buku kumpulan nama domain belum ada tuh di toko buku, dan kalaupun ada, pastinya tidak bisa kita jiplak mentah-mentah. Kenapa? Ya karena nama domain haruslah unik dan tidak boleh ada kembarannya.

Tapi tunggu dulu, saya punya info tentang software yang bakal membantu kita membuat nama domain yang seksi dan menggoda orang untuk mengintipnya!

Software ini bernama Domain Name Analyzer. Kalau mau download silakan saja sambangi situs Softnik Technologies atau search saja di google dengan kata kunci Domain name analyzer.. Tapi, eit ntar dulu... Baca saja dulu penjelasan penggunaan Domain name analyzer di bawah ini ya!

Apa yang bisa kita lakukan dengan freeware Domain name analyzer? Ini dia manfaatnya --> Kita bisa membuat nama domain dengan berdasarkan kata kunci

Bagaimana membuat nama domain berdasarkan kata kunci? Gampang, misalnya saya pingin membuat nama domain dengan kata kunci AHIRA (hehe.. suka-suka dong, namanya juga contoh). Okey, perhatikan deh screenshoot kedua ini:

Pada kotak nomor 1 anda bisa masukkan kata kunci yang dibidik
Pada kotak nomor 2 anda bisa masukkan kata-kata pilihan di awal kata kunci
Pada kotak nomor 3 anda bisa masukkan kata-kata pilihan di akhir kata kunci
Pada kotak nomor 4 anda bisa pilih beberapa opsi cara pembentukan nama domain
Pada kotak nomor 5 anda bisa pilih kategori yang sesuai (bisnis, car, music, dll)
Pada kotak nomor 6 anda pilih TLD yang anda suka.

Sudah? Tekan OK dong...
Hasilnya seperti ini:

Enak kan? ada 158 variasi nama domain dengan kata kunci AHIRA yang dihasilkan oleh freeware Domain name analyzer ini. Tapi tunggu dulu, anda musti cek juga apakah seluruh nama tersebut belum dipakai orang lain. untuk itu gunakan perintah LOOKUP ALL pada menu LOOKUP. Hasilnya ini dia:

Nah... tuh liat. Anda masih bisa membuat nama domain atau atau Hebat kan?

Tapi bukan cuma itu lho manfaat domain name analyzer. Anda juga bisa mengecek whois dari domain name yang anda incer. Anda pun bisa membuat/mencari kemungkinan nama domain dari teks/artikel yang panjang..

Selamat mencoba kawan! Kabari saya kalau anda terbantu dengan artikel sederhana ini ya!
original post by anang, yb

Vacation Rental in Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas Mexico is a top vacation destination in Mexico, and is among the best vacation values in the world. You can find Cabo San Lucas villas on the coast offers some of the best beach vacations on luxury homes at prices anywhere incredible. Visit Cabo San Lucas vacation rentals page to see many Cabo San lucas real estate on the arrivals or visit the other Houses and Condos below. For example whether you're a golfer or not you are swept away is incredibly fairways and views of the sunset visible Puerta del Sol.

original post by anang, yb

Better Deals from Shopwiki

ShopWiki revolutionized the online shopping because it takes place every business on the Internet. Sales of traditional sites, you can show that the business paid for the mediation and shopWiki is a buyer everything that is the reason why 30000 transactions instead of the usual 1000 transactions that are marketing to other sites.Nintendo Poster from late Meiji Era.Image via Wikipedia For a buyer –like you-, this means that you can find anything and everything about the sale over the net More products by more memory for better offers and savings you!
Last week, I found the nice price about Playstation and Xbox! It’s amazing price because ShopWiki give me big discount for the latest game console!.

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Why Play Poker ?

For achievements in poker, a player must know on other aspects of the game winner A player must be able to "read the enemy" or "namely the chance" or "Dealing with money." It is a strategy that is most important and agrees on everything. This strategy must be learned very early and be continuously refined and improved to win. This poker strategy is called "playing the card of deception." Bluffer is the act by a small percentage, with the intention of chasing the other players in the pot.
Need more poker strategy? I want to share with you about my favorite poker strategy site: PokerStrategy is an online poker school with full of tips and lessons on how to play poker. Plateau du jeu des petits chevaux, variante fr...Image via Wikipedia
Not only poker strategy, this site provides online poker reviews. It’s easy to find the most wanted poker room that fit with your wallet. In short, you can always find a game on-line, 24 hours a day seven days a week. Nothing beats the feeling of the cleaning of fish at three o'clock in the morning staring at your screen in your underwear. And if this information changes your life to lucky day, please donate this blog to my paypal account. Just joke!

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Poker Database

Are you a poker-mania? Okay, how many time you loose your money in poker games? Win or loose is a part of poker games. Take it easy. But, if loose money is coming in your day by day, so you need a ‘guru’ that can tell you how to win poker games! Do you agree with me?
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It’s easy to browse all about poker world. Use the simple navigation to find tons of poker review, poker strategy, poker clubs or poker forums, vide poker, poker software, poker news, and poker supplies. All of you need provide in one stop poker database!

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Digital Camera Review

Are you looking for the best digital camera? Wait, what the best do you mean? Consumers have specific needs. The best maybe means suitable in low light situation, or maybe great low-cost camera, or fast action photos. One of Canon's most popular wide-angle lenses ...Image via WikipediaIn this situation, you need reviews from independent experts. Why didn’t try to visit
This site provides a wide review about digital camera. It’s easy to find the best compact digital camera or best wide angle digital camera. So, read all of independent digital camera review is the best idea before buy digital camera!

original post by anang, yb
Zemanta Pixie

Thursday, July 03, 2008

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Magic of Articles Marketing On Blog

How to write article marketing on blog to get repeat traffic? First you must type a title to stop your reader in his tracks! Use the sexy words and be different. Be controversial sentences but don’t lie. Second, keep sentences short and simple. Minimize your jargon. Write sentence that rich of information. Third, make your article warm and personal. Your article marketing is not science journal. Cut off all aliens-language! Write with friendly language that you can say. Trust me; your article marketing will work for you as viral marketing. More details about article marketing please visit and this creative writing guide.

original post by anang, yb

Blogging For Money

You can spend hours a day on your blog. It has become a labor of love. Would not it be nice to find a way to earn extra money from your blog?

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Making money with your online blogs, it is possible. Think of your blog as another way to find money have little or no cost. Write about what love is, the market on your blog, and see where the money should be followed.

original post by anang, yb

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original post by anang, yb