Welcome in a new way to earn money from internet! It’s not about pay per click or casino online. It’s about paid blogging. Yes, it’s a blog for pay program. You can earn some money just to write the reviews!
How it works?
The first step: Visit http://www.bloggersreview.com. Don’t worry, it’s not a scam because blogsreview ia a blog advertising agency that dedicated to serving world class customer service.
Second step: as a bloggers you can add multiple blog(s) to your account, while your account is active. Each blog will be evaluated manually before acceptance. Blog's are approved within 1 day to 2 weeks on maximum.
Now you are ready to pick up your money!
You can look at everything products from task list! You can select all sponsored opportunities that your blog qualifies for, under " Assignment Tab". Bloggersreview will pay you for all the reviews. Review it and get paid! Payments are made via PayPal and other qualifying payment methods.
Are you ready?
original post by anang, yb
Have you tried this already? Do they really pay?? Thanks in advance.. :)
Pinoy Negosyo Directory
Cebu Lands and Homes
Diletante Escritor
kayaknya scam deh
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