Friday, December 29, 2006

Beli E-BOOK di internet ? Urghhh....

Bulan lalu sempet dapet kiriman wesel dari Google Adsense.
Lumayan, rejeki nomplok.
Buat apa ya...?
Iseng-iseng cari ebook tentang desain web dan desain ebook.
Ada satu yang iklannya keren dan "menjual" banget.
Beli dech !
Hari ini aku udah kelar baca ebooknya.
bagus nggak ?
Bagus sih menurut aku. Ternyata iklannya nggak ngibul.
Dapat banyak trik buat mendongkrak dollar google adsense.
Coba dech klik web ebook ini...
Boleh juga untuk batu loncatan ke bisnis internet sebenarnya.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Siapa Sahabat Santa ?

Natal kemaren ada foto bareng Santa Claus di Gereja Arnoldus Bekasi. Ada juga acara bagi-bagi doorprize.
"hayo... siapa yang tau nama orang item yang setia menemani Santa claus?' tanya pembawa acara.
Beberapa anak dengan penuh semangat mengangkat jari tinggi-tinggi.
Anak pertama menjawab setengah ragu," Pit.... terpan.." jawabnya. Huuu.
Anak kedua menjawab dengan mantap, "Brat Pitt !"
Barulah anak ke lima yang benar menjawab !
Aduuh malang benar nasibmu Piet Hitam!
Soal ketenaran, engkau masih kalah jauh dibandingkan Ariel Peterpan dan Brat Pitt!

Turut mengucapkan : selamat "haram" Natal...

Awal tahun 90-an saya mulai mendengar hal ini: mengucapkan selamat natal adalah haram hukumnya, begitulah fatwa MUI...
Jujur saja, saya terlalu bodoh untuk bisa membedakan antara kata haram dan najis. Jadinya kalau mengucapkan "selamat natal" sebagai sesuatu yang haram, berarti natal juga najis ya...
Saya setengah tidak percaya ada fatwa semacam itu. tapi mau bagaimana lagi. Buktinya di banyak tempat, kabar soal fatwa itu sedemikian berhasil disosialisasikan. Ya, toleransi memang penting. tapi menjaga akidah adalah harga mati. Yo wis...
Satu natal, dua natal terlewati. Masih juga ada satu dua sahabat muslim mengulurkan tangan, mengembangkan senyum dan berucap "selamat natal ya.." Terima kasih ya...
Belasan tahun terlampaui, belasan hari natal terlewati.
Hari natal ini ada yang beda. Setidaknya ada kesadaran bahwa saya telah menyimpan satu kebodohan: mempercayai sesuatu tanpa merasa perlu mencari data tekstualnya.
Nyatanya: MUI tidak pernah sama sekali mengeluarkan fatwa yang mengharamkan pengucapan selamat hari natal...!
Hah ?
Ya sudah... tidak perlu didramatisir...
Merry christmas, euy !

(klik disini untuk membaca Fatwa MUI yang disangka melarang pengucapan selamat hari natal)
Fatwa MUI tentang NATAL

Dewan Pimpinan Majelis Ulama Indonesia, setelah :

Perayaan Natal bersama pada akhir-akhir ini disalah artikan oleh
sebagian ummat Islam dan disangka dengan ummat Islam merayakan Maulid
Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW.
Karena salah pengertian tersebut ada sebagian orang Islam yang ikut
dalam perayaan Natal dan duduk dalam kepanitiaan Natal.
Perayaan Natal bagi orang-orang Kristen adalah merupakan ibadah.

Menimbang :
Ummat Islam perlu mendapat petunjuk yang jelas tentang Perayaan Natal
Ummat Islam agar tidak mencampur adukkan aqiqah dan ibadahnya dengan
aqiqah dan ibadah agama lain.
Ummat Islam harus berusaha untuk menambah Iman dan Taqwanya kepada
Allah SWT.
Tanpa mengurangi usaha ummat Islam dalam Kerukunan Antar Ummat
Beragama di Indonesia.

Meneliti kembali :
Ajaran-ajaran agama Islam, antara lain:

Bahwa ummat Islam diperbolehkan untuk bekerja sama dan bergaul dengan
ummat agama-agama lain dalam masalah-masalah yang berhubungan dengan
masalah keduniaan, berdasarkan atas:
Al Qur`an surat Al-Hujurat ayat 13: "Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami
menciptakan Kamu sekattan dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang
perempuan dan Kami menjadikan kamu sekalian berbangsa-bangsa dan
bersuku supaya kamu saling kenal mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang
paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah adalah orang yang bertaqwa
(kepada Allah), sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha
Al Qur`an surat Luqman ayat 15:"Dan jika kedua orang tuamu memaksamu
untuk mempersekutukan dengan aku sesuatu yang kamu tidak ada
pengetahuan tentang itu, maka janganlah kamu mengikutinya, dan
pergaulilah keduanya di dunia ini dengan baik. Dan ikutilah jalan
orang yang kembali kepada-Ku, kemudian kepada-Ku lah kembalimu, maka
akan Ku-berikan kepadamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan."
Al Qur`an surat Mumtahanah ayat 8: "Allah tidak melarang kamu (ummat
Islam) untuk berbuat baik dan berlaku adil terhadap orang-orang
(beragama lain) yang tidak memerangi kamu karena agama dan tidak pula
mengusir kamu dari negerimu. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang
yang berlaku adil."
Bahwa ummat Islam tidak boleh mencampuradukkan aqiqah dan peribadatan
agamanya dengan aqiqah dan peribadatan agama lain berdasarkan :
Al Qur`an surat Al-Kafirun ayat 1-6:"Katakanlah hai orang-orang
kafir, aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah. Dan kamu bukan
penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah. Dan aku tidak pernah menjadi
penyembah apa yang kamu sembah. Dan kamu tidak pernah pula menjadi
penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah. Untukmulah agamamu dan untukkulah
Al Qur`an surat Al Baqarah ayat 42: "Dan jika kedua orang tuamu
memaksamu untuk mempersatukan dengan aku sesuatu yang kamu tidak ada
pengetahuan tentang itu, maka janganlah kamu mengikutinya dan
pergaulilah keduanya di dunia ini dengan baik Dan ikutilah jalan
orang yang kembali kepada-Kita, kemudian kepada-Kulah kembalimu, maka
akan Ku-beritakan kepadamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan."
Bahwa ummat Islam harus mengakui kenabian dan kerasulan Isa Al Masih
bin Maryam sebagaimana pengakuan mereka kepada para Nabi dan Rasul
yang lain, berdasarkan atas:
Al Qur`an surat Maryam ayat 30-32: "Berkata Isa: Sesungguhnya aku ini
hamba Allah. Dia memberiku Al Kitab (Injil) dan Dia menjadikan aku
seorang nabi. Dan Dia menjadikan aku seorang yang diberkahi di mana
saja aku berada, dan Dia memerintahkan kepadaku mendirikan shalat dan
menunaikan zakat selama aku hidup. (Dan Dia memerintahkan aku)
berbakti kepada ibumu (Maryam) dan Dia tidak menjadikan aku seorang
yang sombong lagi celaka."
Al Qur`an surat Al Maidah ayat 75: "Al Masih putera Maryam itu
hanyalah seorang Rosul yang sesungguhnya telah lahir sebelumnya
beberapa Rosul dan ibunya seorang yang sangat benar. Kedua-duanya
biasa memakan makanan(sebagai manusia). Perhatikanlah bagaimana Kami
menjelaskan kepada mereka (ahli Kitab) tanda-tanda kekuasaan (Kami),
kemudian perhatikanlah bagaimana mereka berpaling (dari memperhatikan
ayat-ayat Kami itu)."
Al Qur`an surat Al Baqarah ayat 285 : "Rasul (Muhammad telah beriman
kepada Al Qur`an yang diturunkan kepadanya dari Tuhannya, demikian
pula orang-orang yang beriman) semuanya beriman kepada Allah,
Malaikat-malaikat-Nya, Kitab-kitab-Nya dan Rasul-Nya. (Mereka
mengatakan) : Kami tidak membeda-bedakan antara seseorang pun (dengan
yang lain) dari Rasul-rasulnya dan mereka mengatakan : Kami dengar
dan kami taat. (Mereka berdoa) Ampunilah Ya Tuhan kami dan kepada
Engkaulah tempat kembali."
Bahwa barangsiapa berkeyakinan bahwa Tuhan itu lebih daripada satu,
Tuhan itu mempunyai anak Isa Al Masih itu anaknya, bahwa orang itu
kafir dan musyrik, berdasarkan atas :
Al Qur`an surat Al Maidah ayat 72 : "Sesungguhnya telah kafir orang-
orang yang berkata : Sesungguhnya Allah itu ialah Al Masih putera
Maryam. Padahal Al Masih sendiri berkata : Hai Bani Israil, sembahlah
Allah Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu. Sesungguhnya orang yang mempersekutukan
(sesuatu dengan) Allah, maka pasti Allah mengharamkan kepadanya surga
dan tempatnya ialah neraka, tidak adalah bagi orang zhalim itu
seorang penolong pun."
Al Qur`an surat Al Maidah ayat 73 : "Sesungguhnya kafir orang-orang
yang mengatakan : Bahwa Allah itu adalah salah satu dari yang tiga
(Tuhan itu ada tiga), padahal sekali-kali tidak ada Tuhan selain
Tuhan yang Esa. Jika mereka tidak berhenti dari apa yang mereka
katakan itu pasti orang-orang kafir itu akan disentuh siksaan yang
Al Qur`an surat At Taubah ayat 30 : "Orang-orang Yahudi berkata Uzair
itu anak Allah, dan orang-orang Nasrani berkata Al Masih itu anak
Allah. Demikianlah itulah ucapan dengan mulut mereka, mereka meniru
ucapan/perkataan orang-orang kafir yang terdahulu, dilaknati Allah-
lah mereka bagaimana mereka sampai berpaling."
Bahwa Allah pada hari kiamat nanti akan menanyakan Isa, apakan dia
pada waktu di dunia menyuruh kaumnya, agar mereka mengakui Isa dan
Ibunya (Maryam) sebagai Tuhan. Isa menjawab "Tidak" : Hal itu
berdasarkan atas :
Al Qur`an surat Al Maidah ayat 116-118 :
"Dan (ingatlah) ketika Allah berfirman: Hai Isa putera Maryam adakah
kamu mengatakan kepada manusia (kaummu): Jadikanlah aku dan ibuku dua
orang Tuhan selain Allah, Isa menjawab : Maha Suci Engkau (Allah),
tidaklah patut bagiku mengatakan apa yang bukan hakku
(mengatakannya). Jika aku pernah mengatakannya tentu Engkau telah
mengetahuinya, Engkau mengetahui apa yang ada pada diri Engkau.
Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui perkara yang ghaib. Aku tidak
pernah mengatakan kepada mereka kecuali apa yang engkau perintahkan
kepadaku (mengatakannya), yaitu : sembahlah Allah Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu
dan aku menjadi saksi terhadapa mereka selama aku berada di antara
mereka. Tetapi setelah Engkau wafatkan aku, Engkau sendirilah yang
menjadi pengawas mereka. Engkaulah pengawas dan saksi atas segala
sesuatu. Jika Engkau menyiksa mereka, maka sesungguhnya mereka adalah
hamba-hamba-Mu dan Jika Engkau mengampunkan mereka, maka sesungguhnya
Engkau Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Bijaksana."
Islam mengajarkan Bahwa Allah SWT itu hanya satu, berdasarkan atas Al
Qur`an surat Al Ikhlas :
"Katakanlah : Dia Allah yang Maha Esa. Allah adalah Tuhan yang segala
sesuatu bergantung kepada-Nya. Dia tidak beranak dan tidak pula
diperanakkan. Dan tidak ada seorang pun / sesuatu pun yang setara
dengan Dia."
Islam mengajarkan kepada ummatnya untuk menjauhkan diri dari hal-hal
yang syubhat dan dari larangan Allah SWT serta untuk mendahulukan
menolak kerusakan daripada menarik kemaslahatan, berdasarkan atas :
Hadits Nabi dari Nu`man bin Basyir : "Sesungguhnya apa apa yang halal
itu telah jelas dan apa apa yang haram itu pun telah jelas, akan
tetapi diantara keduanya itu banyak yang syubhat (seperti halal,
seperti haram) kebanyakan orang tidak mengetahui yang syubhat itu.
Barang siapa memelihara diri dari yang syubhat itu, maka bersihlah
agamanya dan kehormatannya, tetapi barang siapa jatuh pada yang
syubhat maka berarti ia telah jatuh kepada yang haram, semacam orang
yang mengembalakan binatang makan di daerah larangan itu. Ketahuilah
bahwa setiap raja mempunyai larangan dan ketahuilah bahwa larangan
Allah ialah apa-apa yang diharamkan-Nya (oleh karena itu hanya haram
jangan didekati)."
Kaidah Ushul Fiqih
"Menolak kerusakan-kerusakan itu didahulukan daripada menarik
kemaslahatan-kemaslahatan (jika tidak demikian sangat mungkin
mafasidnya yang diperoleh, sedangkan masholihnya tidak dihasilkan)."


Perayaan Natal di Indonesia meskipun tujuannya merayakan dan
menghormati Nabi Isa AS, akan tetapi Natal itu tidak dapat dipisahkan
dari soal-soal yang diterangkan diatas.
Mengikuti upacara Natal bersama bagi ummat Islam hukumnya haram.
Agar ummat Islam tidak terjerumus kepada syubhat dan larangan Allah
SWT dianjurkan untuk tidak mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan Natal.

Jakarta, 1 Jumadil Awal 1401 H
7 Maret 1981

Komisi Fatwa
Majelis Ulama Indonesia

Ketua Sekretaris


Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas Gifts

By Sean Carter

It's almost a custom these days to wish ‘Merry Christmas' with Christmas gifts. The current tradition of giving gifts on Christmas came into popular practice following the Three Wise Men's (Magi) gifts to baby Jesus. Gift-giving during Christmas is primal to the age-old tradition of Christmas, and this took larger proportions slowly through the years with the rise of consumerism. Now if you come to think of it, today's Christmas is really impaired without those big boxes in colorful wrappers tied up with glistening ribbons and piled up at the foot of the Christmas evergreen, those red stockings chock-a-block with Santa's givings, those warm cards displayed on the mantle and many more sweet Christmas surprises. Evidently Christmas gifts have become integral to our Christmas holidays ! Every Christian bears the spirit of giving and sharing on Christmas. So what are you planning to gift your dear ones this Christmas ? Here are some Christmas gift ideas for you to check out:

Christmas gifts can be anything from some pretty flowers to a chic jewelry. So then, you can never fall short of ideas when it comes to Christmas gifts. Flowers are wonderful gifts for all occasions. And they can brighten up days on Christmas too !

Christmas gift baskets are wonderful ideas for Christmas presents as well. You can make one yourself or buy one for your friends, siblings or sweetheart anytime. A gift basket stuffed with cookies, chocolates and other little surprises would surely make the difference to your loved ones' days !

• Gift certificates for Christmas won't be bad ideas either. So send all your wishes and good cheer in a piece of envelope and fly them to your dear ones on Christmas.

Christmas decorations can be good Christmas gifts too. A box of Christmas ornaments would instantly set the sparkles in the hearts of the receivers on the holidays.

• How about some stunning necklace, pendant or earrings for the women folk this Christmas ? For all their proverbial craving for "all that shines", they would simply slobber over these well-chosen Christmas gifts of yours !

• Wines and cigars as Christmas gifts are bound to strike the right chord for the men folk. These would sweep them off their feet and you can't help spot that glint in their eyes once they get the sleek wine bottle or the splendid cigar-case as Christmas presents.

• Candle-stands, photo-frames, doormats, wall hangings, nice paintings, flower vases, garden accents, personalized plaques-all these could just be your choice for this Christmas season. What's unique with these is that these are good gift ideas for your boss, colleagues, teacher, Reverend, neighbors and other acquaintances too. Home decors always make cool Christmas gifts.

• DVDs, music CDs, music accessories, audio books and musical instruments would be perfect Christmas gifts for your music lover buddies. So why not drop them these surprise gifts this holiday ?

• Sports goods for sports nuts, electronic gadgets for the gizmo buffs, or may be some fitness equipment for the health freaks-choose your Christmas gifts wisely and well in advance to avoid the rush of the Christmas shopping season.

• Cool Christmas toys-mini Santa, reindeer sledges, little elves, musical trees, Christmas story books, puzzles, Christmas games, pretty dolls, macho trains and cars-are all peachy Christmas gift ideas for the kiddos that are waiting to be picked !

• Christmas lights and lamps are yet some more glowing ideas for Christmas gifts. And these are all the rage during this season too.

Sean Carter writes on holidays, Christmas Day and world events. He also writes on family, relationships, Christmas, religion, love and friendship. He is a writer with special interest in ecard industry and writes for He is an active blogger at Christmas Blog

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The following ebooks are Christian spiritual classics available as
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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Kita bukan eM Ee, bukan pula Ye Zet

Biarkan saja orang parpol dan pedangdut berasyik-masyuk. Itu lagu lama yang dilantunkan sejak Orde Baru menguasai negeri ini.
Bicara soal asyik-masuk dan dikaitkan dengan janji pernikahan, saya jadi ingat Mas Jiti. Dia garang saat menjadi korlap penentang orde baru. badannya item karena keseringan demo di jalanan. Tapi dia keok di hadapan pastor.
Kala itu dia sedang menjalani ujian kanonik -semacam uji fit and proper test- yang wajib dijalani orang katholik saat mau menikah. Pengujinya pastor. Dan pastor berhak untuk berkata TIDAK bila dirasa pasangan calon nikah bermasalah.
"apakah kamu mengakui perkawinan katholik adalah perkawinan yang SATU dan tidak TERCERAIKAN?" tanya pastor.
"Ya, romo." jawab Mas Jiti tangkas.
"Apa yang akan kamu lakukan bila kata orang, isterimu berselingkuh?".
"Saya tidak akan mempercayainya, romo. Saya sangat mengenal dia."
"Apa yang akan kamu lakukan bila kamu sendiri memergoki isterimu berselingkuh?"
"Saya tetap mencintainya, romo." jawab Mas Jiti dengan intonasi lebih lambat. "Saya akan membimbingnya, romo."
Pastor menatap Mas Jiti dengan tajam. "Apa yang akan kamu lakukan bila kamu memergokinya di kamar hotel ?"
Mas Jiti tidak langsung menjawab. Ada keringat sebesar biji jagung di tengkuk dan keningnya. "Saya tetap akan mempertahankan perkawinan saya, romo. Semampu saya. Dengan bantuan Tuhan tentunya."
Pastor semakin bersemangat. "Apa yang akan kamu lakukan bila isterimu lebih menyukai pasangan selingkuhnya daripada kamu ?"
Mas jiti gelisah.
Pastor lebih bersemangat sekarang. "Apa yang akan kamu lakukan bila isterimu meninggalkan kamu dan tinggal serumah dengan pasangan selingkuhnya ?"
Mas jiti mati kutu. Tak ada lagi suara menggelegar sekeras orasinya di depan gedung DPR.
Pastor memandang Mas Jiti dengan pandangan lebih teduh. "Apa yang akan kamu lakukan bila isterimu tinggal serumah dengan pasangan selingkuhnya, hamil, punya anak, dan akhirnya pindah agama mengikuti pasangan selingkuhnya ?"
Mas Jiti lemas. Mulutnya terkunci. Persis seperti pejabat yang sering dia umpat-umpat seenak perutnya.

>> Tempatkan Tuhan sebagai "orang ketiga" dalam perkawinanmu. Posisikan Dia ditengah-tengah. Dialah power glue perkawinan. Kekuatan yang merekatkan. Bila itu kamu lakukan sejak awal mengikat janji, niscaya tidak ada hantu perkawinan mengejarmu dengan pertanyaan: "Apa yang akan kamu lakukan bila ..."
Tetap semangat! anang, yb

Aa' menikah lagi

Saya menikah lagi ? Hehe.. saya tidak cukup pede untuk melakukan itu ;)
Apalagi perkara poligami -buat saya dan isteri- sudah dianggap closed case.
Di mata saya, nyaris tidak ada poligami tanpa diawali dengan perselingkuhan!
Tidak percaya ? cobalah berpikir jernih dan ingat-ingat saat awal Anda hendak menikah ...(buat yang belum menikah, silakan berandai-andai saja ya..).
Bila sepasang insan hendak menikah tentu diawali dengan perkenalan. Disusul dengan hubungan yang spesial. Disusul dengan bincang-bincang serius. Diteruskan dengan ketok palu: ayo menikah.
Adakah suami yang melakukan proses itu sepengetahuan isteri pertama ? Ayo tunjuk tangan !
Bila suami mempunyai hubungan spesial dengan wanita (lain walau itu calon isteri kedua) tanpa sepengetahuan isteri pertama, itulah perselingkuhan.
Bila suami sering bertemu dengan calon isteri kedua untuk membicarakan hubungannya yang kian serius tanpa sepengetahuan isteri pertama, itulah perselingkuhan.
Bagi saya, menempatkan wanita lain dalam posisi istimewa di hati kita: itulah perselingkuhan.
Bisakah anda menikah lagi tanpa berselingkuh ? (bisa, bila isteri kedua sengaja disediakan sejak awal oleh isteri pertama, hehehe...)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Kalahkan Smackdown dengan Speedy

Ini teriakan baru dari Justin, ragil saya yang baru beranjak dua tahun. Inenet alias internet versi lidah dia, jadi mainan baru di rumah. Sengaja modem saya letakkan di bawah agar lebih mudah dijangkau kedua anak saya. Fani (7 th) Sang kakak yang sekarang kelas 3 SD jadi makin sering nongkrong di depan komputer. Berdua dengan Justin, mereka getol berselancar, walau masih sebatas menyambangi game online atau sekadar mencari gambar barbie.
Kini, bila Justin mulai merangsek saya di kala lagi kerja, maka itulah alamat saya harus merelakan komputer. "Inenet ya Pa ?" itulah kalimat pembuka dari Justin. Selanjutnya dengan mata membulat dan tak berkedip dia akan berkata lagi, "Justin pinjem dulu ya, pa?"
Ya sudah. Yang tua menyingkir. Walau terkadang saya sedang utak-atik citra satelit buat menyelesaikan studi mangrove.
Setidaknya, sejak berlangganan speedy, Justin tak lagi ingat tontonan kegemarannya: "semekdon.., Pa.."

Uang Transport buat Speedy

Kadang saya malu bila membandingkan diri saya dengan penjual Pop Ice, penjual kue cubit, apalagi dengan pedagang kelontong. Mereka berani berinventasi, saya tidak!
Penjual Pop ice setidaknya akan merogoh koceknya untuk membeli blender, mebeli sekardus pop ice aneka rasa, sedotan, dan gelas-gelas plastik. Bisa jadi untuk menyiapkan semua itu, pedagang pop ice tidak cukup hanya dengan menguras tuntas tabungan. Sama halnya dengan penjual kue cubit. Hanya kenekadan plus semangat survival yang memaksanya untuk berinvestasi membuat gerobak, membeli tungku, dan tentunya penggorengan berbentuk bulet-bulet kecil.
Pedagang kelontong lebih hebat lagi. Selain harus punya stock, mereka mutlak harus membuat "kantor" dengan segala isinya.
Sedangkan saya ?
Ah, lima tahun berlalu sejak memutuskan kerja freelance, baru kali ini berani berlangganan internet. Itu juga karena tergoda rayuan speedy. Cukup dengan duaratus ribu rupiah per bulan bisa browsing hingga 1 GB, gratis modem lagi.
Sebetulnya, angka dua ratus ribu terbilang lebih irit daripada saya musti kelilingan nyari order. Di Jakarta, uang transport dua ratus ribu rupiah sebulan nyaris termasuk "belum bisa kemana-mana". Dengan internet, uang segitu mengantarkan saya ke mana pun, tak lagi sebatas Jakarta-Bogor-Bekasi.
anang, yb

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Benua Atlantis itu (Ternyata) Indonesia


Source: Pikiran Rakyat Online

MUSIBAH alam beruntun dialami Indonesia. Mulai dari tsunami di Aceh
hingga yang mutakhir semburan lumpur panas di Jawa Timur. Hal itu
mengingatkan kita pada peristiwa serupa di wilayah yang dikenal sebagai Benua
Atlantis. Apakah ada hubungan antara Indonesia dan Atlantis?

Plato (427 - 347 SM) menyatakan bahwa puluhan ribu tahun lalu terjadi
berbagai letusan gunung berapi secara serentak, menimbulkan gempa,
pencairan es, dan banjir. Peristiwa itu mengakibatkan sebagian permukaan
bumi tenggelam. Bagian itulah yang disebutnya benua yang hilang atau

Penelitian mutakhir yang dilakukan oleh Aryso Santos, menegaskan
bahwa Atlantis itu adalah wilayah yang sekarang disebut Indonesia. Setelah
melakukan penelitian selama 30 tahun, ia menghasilkan buku Atlantis,
The Lost Continent Finally Found, The Definitifve Localization of Plato's
Lost Civilization (2005). Santos menampilkan 33 perbandingan, seperti
luas wilayah, cuaca, kekayaan alam, gunung berapi, dan cara bertani,
yang akhirnya menyimpulkan bahwa Atlantis itu adalah Indonesia. Sistem
terasisasi sawah yang khas Indonesia, menurutnya, ialah bentuk yang
diadopsi oleh Candi Borobudur, Piramida di Mesir, dan bangunan kuno Aztec di

baca lanjutannya ...

Konteks Indonesia

Bukan kebetulan ketika Indonesia pada tahun 1958, atas gagasan Prof.
Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja melalui UU no. 4 Perpu tahun 1960,
mencetuskan Deklarasi Djoeanda. Isinya menyatakan bahwa negara Indonesia dengan
perairan pedalamannya merupakan kesatuan wilayah nusantara. Fakta itu
kemudian diakui oleh Konvensi Hukum Laut Internasional 1982. Merujuk
penelitian Santos, pada masa puluhan ribu tahun yang lalu wilayah negara
Indonesia merupakan suatu benua yang menyatu. Tidak terpecah-pecah dalam
puluhan ribu pulau seperti halnya sekarang.

Santos menetapkan bahwa pada masa lalu itu Atlantis merupakan benua
yang membentang dari bagian selatan India, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Jawa,
Kalimantan, terus ke arah timur dengan Indonesia (yang sekarang) sebagai
pusatnya. Di wilayah itu terdapat puluhan gunung berapi yang aktif dan
dikelilingi oleh samudera yang menyatu bernama Orientale, terdiri dari
Samudera Hindia dan Samudera Pasifik.

Teori Plato menerangkan bahwa Atlantis merupakan benua yang hilang
akibat letusan gunung berapi yang secara bersamaan meletus. Pada masa itu
sebagian besar bagian dunia masih diliput oleh lapisan-lapisan es (era
Pleistocene). Dengan meletusnya berpuluh-puluh gunung berapi secara
bersamaan yang sebagian besar terletak di wilayah Indonesia (dulu) itu,
maka tenggelamlah sebagian benua dan diliput oleh air asal dari es yang
mencair. Di antaranya letusan gunung Meru di India Selatan dan gunung
Semeru/Sumeru/Mahameru di Jawa Timur. Lalu letusan gunung berapi di
Sumatera yang membentuk Danau Toba dengan pulau Somasir, yang merupakan
puncak gunung yang meletus pada saat itu. Letusan yang paling dahsyat di
kemudian hari adalah gunung Krakatau (Krakatoa) yang memecah bagian
Sumatera dan Jawa dan lain-lainnya serta membentuk selat dataran Sunda.

Atlantis berasal dari bahasa Sanskrit Atala, yang berarti surga atau
menara peninjauan (watch tower), Atalaia (Potugis), Atalaya (Spanyol).
Plato menegaskan bahwa wilayah Atlantis pada saat itu merupakan pusat
dari peradaban dunia dalam bentuk budaya, kekayaan alam, ilmu/teknologi,
dan lain-lainnya. Plato menetapkan bahwa letak Atlantis itu di Samudera
Atlantik sekarang. Pada masanya, ia bersikukuh bahwa bumi ini datar dan
dikelilingi oleh satu samudera (ocean) secara menyeluruh.

Ocean berasal dari kata Sanskrit ashayana yang berarti mengelilingi
secara menyeluruh. Pendapat itu kemudian ditentang oleh ahli-ahli di
kemudian hari seperti Copernicus, Galilei-Galileo, Einstein, dan Stephen

Santos berbeda dengan Plato mengenai lokasi Atlantis. Ilmuwan Brazil
itu berargumentasi, bahwa pada saat terjadinya letusan berbagai gunung
berapi itu, menyebabkan lapisan es mencair dan mengalir ke samudera
sehingga luasnya bertambah. Air dan lumpur berasal dari abu gunung berapi
tersebut membebani samudera dan dasarnya, mengakibatkan tekanan luar
biasa kepada kulit bumi di dasar samudera, terutama pada pantai benua.
Tekanan ini mengakibatkan gempa. Gempa ini diperkuat lagi oleh
gunung-gunung yang meletus kemudian secara beruntun dan menimbulkan gelombang
tsunami yang dahsyat. Santos menamakannya Heinrich Events.

Dalam usaha mengemukakan pendapat mendasarkan kepada sejarah dunia,
tampak Plato telah melakukan dua kekhilafan, pertama mengenai
bentuk/posisi bumi yang katanya datar. Kedua, mengenai letak benua Atlantis yang
katanya berada di Samudera Atlantik yang ditentang oleh Santos.
Penelitian militer Amerika Serikat di wilayah Atlantik terbukti tidak berhasil
menemukan bekas-bekas benua yang hilang itu. Oleh karena itu tidaklah
semena-mena ada peribahasa yang berkata, "Amicus Plato, sed magis amica
veritas." Artinya,"Saya senang kepada Plato tetapi saya lebih senang
kepada kebenaran."

Namun, ada beberapa keadaan masa kini yang antara Plato dan Santos
sependapat. Yakni pertama, bahwa lokasi benua yang tenggelam itu adalah
Atlantis dan oleh Santos dipastikan sebagai wilayah Republik Indonesia.
Kedua, jumlah atau panjangnya mata rantai gunung berapi di Indonesia.
Di antaranya ialah Kerinci, Talang, Krakatoa, Malabar, Galunggung,
Pangrango, Merapi, Merbabu, Semeru, Bromo, Agung, Rinjani. Sebagian dari
gunung itu telah atau sedang aktif kembali.

Ketiga, soal semburan lumpur akibat letusan gunung berapi yang abunya
tercampur air laut menjadi lumpur. Endapan lumpur di laut ini kemudian
meresap ke dalam tanah di daratan. Lumpur panas ini tercampur dengan
gas-gas alam yang merupakan impossible barrier of mud (hambatan lumpur
yang tidak bisa dilalui), atau in navigable (tidak dapat dilalui), tidak
bisa ditembus atau dimasuki. Dalam kasus di Sidoarjo, pernah dilakukan
remote sensing, penginderaan jauh, yang menunjukkan adanya sistim
kanalisasi di wilayah tersebut. Ada kemungkinan kanalisasi itu bekas
penyaluran semburan lumpur panas dari masa yang lampau.

Bahwa Indonesia adalah wilayah yang dianggap sebagai ahli waris
Atlantis, tentu harus membuat kita bersyukur. Membuat kita tidak rendah diri
di dalam pergaulan internasional, sebab Atlantis pada masanya ialah
pusat peradaban dunia. Namun sebagai wilayah yang rawan bencana,
sebagaimana telah dialami oleh Atlantis itu, sudah saatnya kita belajar dari
sejarah dan memanfaatkan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan mutakhir untuk
dapat mengatasinya.***

Penulis, Direktur Kehormatan International Institute of Space Law

(IISL), Paris-Prancis

Monday, October 30, 2006 - Nyaris Satu Tahun

Kemarin ada email masuk dari penyedia jasa web-hosting. Hmm, tagihan pembayaran domain name untuk setahun ke depan.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Aha! Sudah setahun ya umur blog Jejak Geografer ini?
Entah sudah berapa kali blog ini berganti wajah. Sepertinya lebih dari enam kali. Setiap kali melihat template blog yang keren rasanya pingin buru-buru menggulung template yang lama.
Dari sekian banyak cerita yang pernah dipajang di blog ini, tetap saja ada kisah yang tidak ingin saya lupakan. Kisah yang mengharukan, menggelikan, menyebalkan, bahkan membuat mata saya tetap berkaca-kaca walau sudah membacanya belasan kali.
Ada kisah panjang (yang terpaksa saya potong), ada juga tulisan minim kata.
Dari satu blog ini, kini telah beranak menjadi belasan bahkan nyaris 20 biji. Ada yang sekali bikin terus dilupakan, ada juga yang khusus buat cari sesuap spaghetti. Sempat juga tergiur bikin blog adsense hingga lahirlah situs software pemetaan gratisan dan juga blog religi.
Thanks buat anda yang sekali-dua kali pernah mengunjungi blog ini!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Lapindo Brantas: Sang Negosiator

Penanggulangan semburan lumpur panas di Porong, Sidoarjo dapat dikisahkan dari sisi yang unik: sepak terjang sang negosiator.
Lepas dari peran pat-gulipat, keberhasilan "meluluhkan" pejabat hingga level tertinggi tentulah bukan perkara yang semudah menghisap Djarum Black.
Awalnya: lumpur panas Tidak boleh dibuang ke Sungai Porong dan laut
Selanjutnya: Boleh saja dibuang ke laut asal dilakukan treathment yang diawasi ketat. Pengaliran lumpur menggunakan pipa.
Selanjutnya lagi: Silakan dibuang ke laut tanpa proses pengolahan apa pun.
Selanjutnya lagi dan lagi: Silakan buang ke laut melalui Sungai Porong
Dari sisi argumen, telah disiapkan kalimat-kalimat sakti semisal "force majeur", "pilih mana, melindungi ikan atau nyawa manusia?", "Lapindo telah mengeluarkan dana 1,5 triliun", "kawasan Porong adalah daerah rawan bencana-tidak layak ditinggali", "lumpur bermanfaat untuk reklamasi" bla-bla-bla...
Hmm... proses negosiasi memang untold story, setidaknya belum ada media yang mau berpeluh melakukan investigasi. Atau ada yang bisa berbagi cerita?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Aku miskin karena selembar STIKER

Mengapa orang keranjingan memasang stiker "fear factor" di pantat motor/mobil mereka ?
Mengapa juga orang berburu stiker berbentuk layang-layang bertuliskan "keluarga PM (Polisi Militer)" ?
Citra diri, itulah yang dikejar! Seolah dengan melekatkan stiker tersebut di bodi kendaraan, orang yang menonton akan menganggap si pengendara sama gagah-perkasanya dengan PM, saya nekatnya dengan kontestan Fear Factor. Aku yakin aku gagah. Aku yakin aku bernyali. Alam bawah sadar akhirnya terbius oleh citra yang dibangun lewat label berujud selembar stiker.
Lantas apa yang bakal terjadi atas saudara-saudara kita yang di pintu depan rumahnya dipasang stiker "keluarga miskin" (agar dapat dana kompensasi BBM) atau desanya diberi label "desa miskin" ?
Betapa ngerinya bila merekapun juga merasa nyaman dan terbius dengan citra diri yang terbangun lewat stiker berlabel miskin itu.
Betapa bakal repotnya para alim ulama, guru sekolah untuk mendongkrak kembali harga diri dan martabat masyarakat yang telah terstigma lewat label bikinan penguasa. Bukan perkara gampang mengajak mereka mengubah tangan di bawah (peminta) menjadi tangan di atas (pemberi).


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Satu dari Lima

Satu dari lima buku cerita anak-anak telah selesai ditulis.
Masih tersisa empat lagi. Moga-moga sebulan ini kelar semua.
Bukan sekadar obsesi, tapi bikin dongeng sains-fiksi dengan aroma geografi bikin tidur tidak nyenyak.
Buku yang sudah kelar bercerita tentang gua karst; dongeng dibuat mirip kisah lima sekawan, gitu.
Buku kedua ngomongin GPS, alat anti sesat. Hari ini sudah dapet 10 halaman.
Ada yang mau nyumbang ide untuk buku ke tiga, empat dan ke lima ?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Berbohonglah dengan statistik (sebagai argumen)

Apakah SBY telah berbohong saat memaparkan penurunan angka penduduk miskin di Indonesia?

Darrel Huff lewat bukunya "How to lie with statistic" memberikan serangkaian pertanyaan untuk menguji hal tersebut:
1. Siapa yang berkata demikian?
2. Bagaimana mereka tahu?
3. Apa yang kurang atau tidak ada dalam informasi itu?
4. Apakah ada orang yang mengubah topiknya?
5. Apakah masuk akal?

Anda harus dapat segera mengenal pertanyaan pertama: siapa yang berkata demikian? - dan mengapa? Apakah seseorang yang dengan rompinya dikancing rapat untuk menutupi perutnya yang penuh dengan kepentingan pribadi? baca lanjutannya...

Kalau pemerintah anda mempunyai lebih dari satu kantor yang mengumpulkan statistik, bermanfaat sekali untuk membandingkan angka-angka tersebut. Kalau terdapat banyak sekali perbedaan, sebutkan fakta itu. Sering wartawan terpaksa mengutip angka-angka dari PBB atau badan internasional lain, seolah-olah angka dari mereka lebih dapat dipercaya, tetapi ingatlah sumber-sumber mereka tetap dari kantor-kantor pemerintah.

Pertanyaan kedua: bagaimana dia tahu?
Singkatnya, pertanyaan bagaimana ia mengetahui adalah usaha untuk memahami 'metodologi' yang menghasilkan informasi statistik.
Anda perlu mengejar informasi: bagaimana angka-angka itu diperoleh - berapa banyak orang yang ditanyai, apa yang ditanyakan, kapan, dalam keadaan bagaimana, siapa yang ditanyainya, berapa banyak yang tidak ditanyainya, atau berapa banyak yang tidak menjawab.

Pertanyaan ketiga: Apa yang tidak ada?
Di sini anda memeriksa tentang hal-hal yang dihilangkan secara jelas atau secara tidak jelas.
Kasus yang jelas adalah saat hampir semua headline suratkabar menulis: Empat dari lima lubang semburan lumpur panas di Porong Sidoarjo berhasil dikendalikan.
Informasi di atas menggiring pada satu pemahaman bahwa keberhasilan telah mencapai 80%. Benarkah demikian?
Nanti dulu! Apakah anda yakin intensitas material yang disemburkan dari ke lima lubang tersebut sama banyak? jangan-jangan lubang terakhir yang tidak mampu dikendalikan justeru menyumbang 90% luapan lumpur.
-Trik menghilangkan sebagian informasi, adalah cara terpopuler untuk berbohong dengan statistik-.

Pertanyaan keempat: Apakah ada orang yang mengubah pokok persoalan?
Angka-angka mengenai tingkat kemiskinan bersifat sangat kontroversial. Seringkali definisi kemiskinan disesuaikan oleh pemerintah di Asia untuk mencerminkan kemungkinan perbaikan dalam status ekonomi rakyatnya. Angka-angka baru disandingkan dengan yang lama. Akan tetapi perbandingan ini tidak sah, oleh sebab definisi kemiskinan tadi sudah diubah. Jangan-jangan angka terbaru disusun untuk mengurangi bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) sedangkan angka lama disusun untuk mencairkan dana Inpres Desa Tertinggal (IDT).

Pertanyaan kelima: Apakah masuk akal?
Seringkali kita kehilangan pikiran sehat kapau dihadapkan pada banjir besar angka-angka untuk membuktikan 'fakta' ilmiah.
Anda harus hati-hati terhadap angka-angka yang terlalu tepat. angka-angka ini seringkali berperan sebagai dongeng matematis belaka. Apakah lebih tepat mengatakan bahwa pasangan pengantin baru, melakukan hubungan seks 2,60 kali setiap minggunya atau mereka melakukannya dua sampai tiga kali seminggu?

(sebagian dikutip dari buku "wartawan dan penulisan sains - kiat dan masalahnya di Asia" Penerbit Yayasan Obor Indonesia)

sekali MERDEKA tetap MEREKA !

Please, anda ulangi lagi membaca judul. Saya tidak salah tulis.
Ritual peringatan hari proklamasi kemerdekaan nyatanya tidak membawa perubahan pada negeri ini. Negeri ini tetap dikuasai oleh MEREKA. Tetap oleh mereka!
Tidak peduli siapa presidennya, anggota dewan tetap orang-orang yang menangguk untung termasuk menjadi calo bantuan bencana alam dan pelaksanaan ibadah haji.
Tidak peduli siapa pemilihnya, presiden dan wapresnya tetaplah menciptakan program-program yang makin memiskinkan rakyatnya.
Menteri pendidikan tetaplah berperilaku seperti dulu, gonta-ganti kurikulum, buku pelajaran hanya bisa dipakai satu bulan, guru dan pegawai Dinas merangkap calo, dana BOS dicatut.
Jalan raya tetaplah menjadi meja kasir tempat petugas DLLAJ dan polisi menengadahkan tangan.
Tikus tetaplah merajalela. Bila hanya satu tikus tidaklah masalah. Sebut saja mono-tikus. Bila banyak tikus? Tentu saja Politikus!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Do You Operate in Fear or Faith?

by: Daniel N Brown

The greatest tool the enemy uses against us in life is fear, because fear keeps us from doing many of those things we would like to do in order to make our lives, and the lives of others, more complete and prosperous.

Since we are born with only a few fears like the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, all other fears are learned. The fear of failure, the fear of rejection, and even a fear of success are all learned fears and are really just lies from the devil.

Naturally, God wants us to live abundant and prosperous lives, but the devil is not going to just step aside and watch while God outrageously prospers us. The devil’s whole purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10), and the best way he is able to do this is by causing us to doubt and fear.

One important thing to understand is the fact that doubt always precedes fear. If the enemy can get us to doubt and give in to it, it will then grow into fear. And even though fear can sneak up on us fast, it doesn't have to paralyse us. It's then that our courage can get us through.

How do we develop true courage? Ephesians 6:11 says, “Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Truth, righteousness, preparation to share the gospel, faith, salvation, and the Word of God is the armor. Verse 16 says, “Above all, take the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.”

It's important to understand the power of faith in God's Word because fear is such a massive thought force competing for control of our minds. Just know, faith is much stronger. We can cancel out fear with faith because there is no force in this world more powerful than faith, and the most amazing things can happen as a result of it.

Faith is a shield. When the devil’s lies come at us in the form of fear, we must know what God’s Word says concerning our circumstances in order to quench that fear.

Unfortunately, too many Christians are ignorant of the power of faith, so they only operate in fear, which is the exact opposite. We cannot operate in a spirit of faith and a spirit of fear at the same time. We will flow in one or the other. We must oppose the spirit of fear and close the door on the devil so we may move forward with God’s plan for our lives.

As Faith is our shield (our defense), God’s Word is our Sword (our offense). That means we must not only believe God’s Word, but we must also speak it.

Our words are containers of power. When all hell is coming against us, we need to hold fast to the confession of our faith and say what the Word says in light of our situation instead of what the circumstances look like or how they make us feel.

Not speaking the positive report of God’s Word is the reason why so many believers fall short of receiving God’s best and continue to live in fear. 2 Corinthians 4:13 says, “I believed, and therefore have I spoken.” By speaking negative words we are operating in fear and are in agreement with the devil. The door then remains open for him to produce the very conditions we are speaking. Instead, speak the promises of God in faith by getting into agreement with Him.

Again, the greatest tool the enemy uses against us in life is fear, but we can quench the firey lies of the enemy by faith and eventually see God’s promises fulfilled in our lives.

Copyright 2006 Daniel N Brown

About The Author

Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles. Get his FREE report, "Christian Prosperity Secrets" when you sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Tiba-tiba saya teringat Si Din

Enam hari lagi (16/8), genap 10 tahun Si Din meninggal.
Si Din -yang wartawan Bernas Yogya itu- bersemayam satu deret dengan jasad bapak saya. Batu nisan Si Din termasuk yang paling elok di pekuburan Dusun Gedongan, Bantul , terbuat dari marmer putih seluruhnya. Entah sumbangan dari siapa.
Dulu, saya suka mengintip dari jendela saat wartawan televisi asyik bergincu sebelum on air di depan rumah Si Din.
Kameraman SCTV juga sempat numpang pipis di rumah saya. Ya, rumah saya hanya dipisahkan jalan selebar 4 meter dari rumah Pak Jenggot, bapaknya Si Din.
Ah, siapa mengira Si Din bakal jadi omongan orang se-nusantara. Padahal dulunya dia ceking, item, dan tidak ada tampang bakal jadi orang ngetop.
Belakangan ketika sudah mantap menjadi wartawan Si Din berubah menjadi gempal, botak, dan lebih bersih. Mungkin karena sudah bergaji.
Sesekali saat sore hari, Si Din mengajak Marsiyem, istrinya serta anaknya berkeliling desa mengendarai honda tiger. Tampak bahagia.
Sayang, kebahagiaan itu tidaklah lama. Si Din meninggal entah karena apa. Entah karena siapa.
Sepuluh tahun berlalu, dan kepasrahan Pak Jenggot, ayah Si Din masih saya amini: "...lebih baik kasus kematian anak saya tidak terungkap, daripada semakin banyak lagi yang harus dikorbankan untuk menutupi kematian Si Din."
(anang, yb -warga Dusun Gedongan-)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Geografer jadi panitia tunggal

Iseng-iseng baca dokumen tender di Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan.
Ada yang menarik saat melihat kebutuhan tenaga ahli.
Biasanya yang disyaratkan ada sederet tenaga ahli.
Tapi yang ini lain. Hanya satu. bener-bener hanya satu. Dan itu adalah "sarjana geografi/GIS"
Proyeknya sendiri bertujuan menganalisis pulau-pulau kecil terluar dengan materi data Quickbird.
Boleh juga. Bisa juga ya geografer dipercaya sebagai "panitia tunggal"

Friday, August 04, 2006

Tunjukkan nyalimu! Wujudkan website pertamamu!

Tiba-tiba piranti penerima emailku ngadat. Kekhawatiranku jadi kenyataan. Ada seseorang kirim email plus attachment yang bujubuneng gedhenya. Bermega-mega byte!
Ternyata dari adik kelas. Katanya, mau ngelamar kerja ke saya. Ngelamar kerja ? Ge-er deh gua!
Attachment dia yang segerobak berisi foto, scan ijazah, CV, transcrip nilai dan entah apa lagi.
Duh! Temen-temen pencari lowongan, kenapa sih ya nggak bikin website atau blog aja?
Kan enak, tiap ngelamar kerja via email tinggal ditulisin: Lebih detail tentang kemampuan saya, silakan klik apagitu dotkom. Keren dan modern gitu.
Lagian web hosting kan lagi murah-murahnya. Lebih murah dibandingkan satu cone es krim McD. Kalau mau, ada juga tips buat ngilangin kata "blogspot" atau "wordpress" dari nama blog. Kan lebih mentereng daripada
Ayolah. Tunjukkan nyalimu! Wujudkan website pertamamu!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Loving Others As Jesus Loves Us (Gospel Snapshots)

by: Roger and Eileen Himes

Sometimes my spirit sinks when I hear certain things preached. When you truly connect with the truth and the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, you realize that so many things that are preached are nothing more than humanistic religion. So it is with the topic, ‘loving others,’ — or even better, ‘loving others as Jesus loves us.’ A preacher can go anywhere with the topic of loving others.

They can build a great legalistic sermon that can bury people under piles of religious rules! And have you seriously contemplated ’loving others as Jesus loves us’? That was Eve’s temptation in the Garden of Eden: “You shall be as God.” Believing the preaching that we can love like God loves, approaches spiritual absurdness!

Jesus does SAY we should love others the way he loves us (John 15:12). But the question is: what does he MEAN by this? He doesn’t mean for us to do this in the flesh: ‘Try to be like God.’ But there is a sense in which we can at least BEGIN loving others the way Jesus loves us. This is with regard to our demands and expectancies.

HOW does Jesus love us? He begins by not accusing us (John 5:45). If we are in him, we have NO condemnation (Rom 8:1). How many times are we told NOT to judge? Jesus accepts us as we are — no matter how bad we are. Jesus doesn’t demand that we ‘clean up our act’ before he loves us. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. And we are still sinners, made righteous by the blood of Jesus.

We ALL need to change! None of us is perfect… “No, not one.” If you question whether you need to change or not, just ask someone close to you. We ALL should change! But it is not demands, expectancies or condemnation that changes us. God’s love changes us — by NOT imposing demands and expectancies upon us!

If we don’t experience God’s love and acceptance, we feel he is demanding and critical. Too often we live by a type of ‘reverse golden rule’ — we do unto others as we perceive God does it unto us. If we don’t know his love, then we feel he is demanding. If we feel HE is demanding, then we are demanding. Isn't it true that “Children live what they learn"?

Are you willing to accept those close to you the way Jesus accepts us — with no strings attached? It’s not easy to let go of our demands and expectations, but this IS what God does for us. This IS loving others as Jesus loves us.

About The Author

Roger and Eileen Himes

Gospel Snapshots is a Monday and Friday newsletter about living a Practical Gospel life in the power of the finished work of Christ. Religion DEMANDS that we live right; the gospel is the power of God that ENABLES us to live right.

To subscribe, E-mail:, or visit our website:

The Return of Jesus

by: Glad Hancock

The inevitability of Jesus' return is a subject not often touched upon in sophisticated circles. Until recently, it was a subject only for the theologically inclined or those intoxicated by recent religious conversion. Since September 11th, however, the theme of salvation suddenly has a topical relevance. In light of the personal devastation we have all shared, many are asking how there possibly could be an All-Powerful, All-Loving God. A few, on the other hand, citing an obscure blue and gold book are asking an even more disturbing question, if there is an All-Powerful, All-Loving God, how can the world we see be real?" These in ever increasing numbers are saying that A Course In Miracles, and the personal transformation activated therein is evidence enough to herald the Second Coming.

In 1965, a Voice claiming to be Jesus of Nazareth began speaking to Columbia University psychology professor, Helen Schucman. With gentle authority, the Voice insisted, "This is a Course In Miracles. Please take notes." For seven years, Helen Schucman scribed the material known today as A Course In Miracles. A number of best-selling authors and new age gurus including Jerry Jampolsky and Marianne Williamson owe their fame to the principles of love and forgiveness contained in A Course In Miracles. But despite its phenomenal beginnings, A Course In Miracles today is relegated to the bottom shelf of most bookstores, forgotten in others, and has lost its appeal on the television talk show circuit. That is, until a small band of activists took up the Course as their cause.

Before I go any further with this story of my personal encounter with the Course, I'd like to tantalize the reader with the same mind-boggling experiment given to me by these miracle teachers as they called themselves. They asked me to suppose for a moment that as is claimed by the Voice in the book, Jesus really did author A Course In Miracles. "If that were true," they inquired, "and I knew it, how would I view it?" I considered the question. "Well, I'm not a practicing Christian," I mused. "But if Jesus really authored the Course, I would have to be impressed. Clearly, it would be a miracle. I'd run out, buy it and ingest every word." "It would be the greatest story in the history of mankind." I paused. "Well, second, I guess, to the story of the resurrection, which I might just have to re-consider as fact." "But who could believe such a story. It's akin to ouija boards. Come on, Jesus as a ghostwriter. That's funny!"

"Well, if you won't believe the Messenger, how about just looking at the Message?" They had me, these miracle teachers. They had demonstrated to me in my own mind the potential magnitude of this event, if, in truth, Jesus was the author of the Course. I had to proceed further, out of sheer curiosity. "Just take a look at the introduction," they requested. "It's just a few lines." So, I looked.

This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is All-Encompassing can have no opposite.

This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.

My mind hiccupped. The opposite of love is fear, but what is All-Encompassing can have no opposite. My brain felt like it had been put into a blender and put on "liquefy". It was whirling. How could my reality be so contradicted by Truth? And, yet this Voice, speaking so simply was obviously expressing the clarity of vision of a mind unencumbered by threat. Clearly, if there is an "All-Encompassing", any reality I justified as intimidating could not be so. I was being asked to question all my premises based on fear and there seemed to be plenty of them. What about the "me" who was uncomfortable making conversation with strangers at cocktail parties? What about the "me" who was afraid nothing I ever wrote was good enough? What about the "me" who was afraid to be late, or to get sick, or to say "no" to my best friend? What about my "justifiable" fears like disasters, terrorists, pain, or murder?

Nothing real can be threatened. Hmmm. When I thought about it, the only "me" I know is the one making decisions based on whether or not I feel safe or comfortable. You mean, none of me as I know myself is real?!

What is this Course In Miracles anyway?

My investigative spirit had been sparked. But more than that, a place deep within me, had been quickened, a place long scarred over by "professional skepticism" and repeated personal disappointment. It was the poignant place in me that yearns for Truth, that knows of "something else", that is a persistent feeling, sometimes not more that a tiny throb, at other times hardly remembered, but surely returns to mind again and again. In the Course's introduction, I had remembered an echo of my heart's desire. I decided to check out these miracle teachers and their Course under the guise of investigative reporting.

I arrived at the Wisconsin campus of Endeavor Academy on an early spring afternoon. Driving to Lake Delton, I was bombarded by billboards trumpeting the thrills of water parks and the family fun of miniature golf. Who would have thought to locate an academy of spiritual transformation near the birthplace of the Ringling Brothers Circus and the tourist mecca of Wisconsin Dells? Then, I saw the irony. "How appropriate," I thought. "I'll be divested of my illusion in the heartland of illusions!" As I took my luggage to my room I could hear the eclectic cacophony of a number of languages being spoken. I could recognize German, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, and what sounded like Polish. And there were obviously different versions of English being spoken as well. It was clear I had walked into an international tower of babble. And, a happy one at that. Everywhere I looked there were welcoming smiles, laughter and arms raised in joy.

Later that afternoon, in an orientation of the premises, I wandered into the Academy library. Although small by college library standards, the variety and depth of material about enlightenment in all traditions was astounding. The bookshelves bulged with metaphysical treatises by Christian heretics, Eastern masters, and new age spiritualists.

My eyes were drawn to a volume entitled "The Perennial Philosophy" and I began to scan Aldous Huxley's anthology of mystical utterances. I was struck by the universality of the metaphysical experience that resurfaces throughout all time, and that traverses a broad spectrum of cross-cultural recipients. Whether the words emanated from a Sufi saint, a Zen or Mahayana Buddhist, an Indian guru, a Taoist, a Moslem, a Hindu, or a Christian mystic, I sensed the fabric of eternity within our tapestry of time. I hear the timeless words of the mystics, and I am reminded again of the Course's Introduction, This is a required course and of my own infant transcendental moment that brought me on this search to remember the divine Reality behind the world of things. Apparently, I am in good company.

Had a miracle had brought me here?

Later that afternoon, while filling out my registration, I had a long talk with Wolter and Nohra, two of the Admissions Office Staff. Wolter is a jovial radiant Dutchman with a chuckle like Santa Claus. Nohra, his wife, laughs with an enthusiasm born of conviction. I asked Nohra what was going to be my favorite question, "What is this place?" "Endeavor Academy is an academy for teachers of A Course In Miracles, she replied. "Its purpose is the same as that of the Course itself, to bring you enlightenment through the transformation of your mind."

"Enlightenment, there is a big idea. What does it mean?"

She easily quoted the Course. Enlightenment is but a recognition not a change at all. "I think I'll let Jesus explain further. He expresses it better than I do," she said, "and certainly more beautifully. She picked up the fabled blue and gold book and began to read:

True light that makes true vision possible is not the light the body's eyes behold. It is a state of mind that has become so unified that darkness cannot be perceived at all. And thus what is the same is seen as one, while what is not the same remains unnoticed, for it is not there.

This is the light that shows no opposites, and vision, being healed, has power to heal. This is the light that brings your peace of mind to other minds, to share it and be glad that they are one with you and with themselves. This is the light that heals because it brings single perception, based upon one frame of reference, from which one meaning comes.

As Nohra read, the revelation born of truth emanated from these words and overwhelmed me. It expressed an unworldly point of view not found in normal human correspondence. Again, I was reminded of my response to the Introduction to the Course. The throb had returned, right in the pit of my stomach and my head was reeling again. I felt like Keanu Reeves playing Neo in The Matrix. I had swallowed the red pill and there was nothing I could do about it.

Wolter looked at me brightly and explained further. "The nature of Reality is Thought. Everything is only your idea of it. The Course teaches total responsibility for what you perceive. This realization permits you to change, in an instant, perception in its entirety. Self-responsibility is thus the catalyst to the experience of transformation that is the mind-training program of A Course In Miracles. That revelation is practical, very sacred, and very emotional. It changes the entire way I see the world. The Course does not seek to change the world but through our individual acts of love and forgiveness to change the mind that perceives the world. Jesus says it simply this way: To free the world from every kind of pain is but to change your mind about yourself.

Listening to the two of them, I realized this assignment had just gotten very personal. I saw in these few minutes how my perception of my world had been edited by my own fear of fear. I saw how I had imprisoned myself and everyone around me by an elusive and unexpressed anxiety. I was beginning to feel very exposed.

That evening I sat with a group of other students over a vegetarian pasta dinner. Making conversation, I asked Philly, "What is this place?" She paused. As I watched her, something happened and I was not prepared for the depth of her answer. I felt the intimacy of a memory rise up in her. Her eyes began to water behind her glasses and she spoke with great emotion. "A while before I came here, I was lying in a hospital bed. The next day I was scheduled to have my left breast removed. I was very frightened and, perhaps for the first time, I prayed. In that moment, a miracle occurred. I knew, no matter what appeared to happen, I was going to be all right. The next day, when I woke from the anesthesia, the surgeon leaned over me and told me the news. He had found nothing. There was no tumor. He called it a mistake, an aberration, a poor diagnosis. But he never considered the possibility it had been a miracle. You ask 'what is this place?' This is a place where miracles are recognized. I had told no one here of my healing. Yet, the first day I was here, the Master Teacher looked at me and said, 'here is an association who had cancer of the left breast and decided not to.' This is a place, a new continuum of time where suffering and pain cannot exist. It is a continuum where you and I see the Truth in each other."

Needless to say, that night I retreated to my room, my heart brimming with the infinite possibility of the miracle and my mind conflicted with the cynicism of an idea too good to be true. I curled up on my bed and began to read the masterpiece known as A Course In Miracles.

Presented as a self-study program, the format of the Course is a workbook of daily lessons, a text, and a teacher's manual. Proclaiming to offer a primer of how enlightened mind works, the Course purports to activate our memory of our Divine Inheritance through our individual application of the psychology of self-responsibility and the art of forgiveness.

The stated purpose of the workbook is to: train your mind in a systematic way to a different perception of everyone and everything in the world… The very nature of true or enlightened perception is that it has no limits. It is the opposite of the way you see now. True perception is the means by which the world is saved from sin, for sin does not exist. And it is this that true perception sees.

This is clearly a radically different paradigm of the world. I gave up trying to understand for the moment and closed my eyes. As I drifted off to sleep my heart was flooded with a nostalgic longing, for what I did not know. Yet, in the yearning, it was fulfilled and I felt contentment from a past long unremembered.

In the morning, I prepared for session. This is the single event of the day that everyone at Endeavor Academy-- teachers, students and guests, --all share. At breakfast, I met with my "guide". James is an Irishman turned Australian, who still retains a hint of the blarney in the twinkle in his eye. I was interested in "the Master Teacher" spoken of by Philly, the night before. "Who is he?" I asked.

James turned serious and spoke with a quiet, authoritative certainty. "The Master Teacher is a teacher of awakening. He is an introduction to the dynamics of the transformative process profiled in A Course In Miracles. As a whole expression of Universal Communication, Master Teacher is a catalyst to the stimulation and acceleration of your own illumination.

Jim's voice became low and personal. "As an awakened teacher, Master Teacher transmits the energy of Resurrected Mind. He demonstrates through your own personal experience the healing essence of Light as the transformative factor of your Mind." Through him, I have recalled that vibratory resonance And through his expression of A Course in Miracles, I have remembered myself as the Light Jesus proclaimed me to be. My recognition of the Master Teacher has been the divine recognition of my Self and everyone around me."

I listened, but could barely pay attention because I had become liquid Light. The whirling I had experienced earlier had coalesced into a single, indescribable blending with everything around me. I was being lifted somehow through myself and propelled into the universe. I experienced no fear, only awe and tremendous gratitude. Jim continued speaking:

"The Course and its awakened teachers are a vibratory call that resounds to the personal remembrance of your own mastership through revelation. This is a teaching of initiation, or the determination of an individual mind to come to its own whole universal self. It is the transitional passage from time to eternity, a personal adventure, and a required course for the completion of man's inevitable metamorphosis to his natural enlightened condition."

Our talk was interrupted by a great excitement. The Master Teacher was arriving.

I looked around the session facility. The room was filled with about 300 people of all ages, races, nationalities, and economic background. "What could attract such an all-inclusive diversity of human form," I thought. There were resounding laughter and a spontaneous rising of arms as the Master Teacher entered the room. At that point, my focus shifted from the figure in the room to a compelling force of energy surging through me. I remembered one of the phrases Nohra had read to me the day before from the Course. "True light that makes true vision possible is not the light the body's eyes behold." I was swept by an imperative of integration that was physical, emotional and intellectual. I lost my reference of myself as an objective entity separate from the room and others around me. It is a state of mind that has become so unified that darkness cannot be perceived at all. And thus what is the same is seen as one, while what is not the same remains unnoticed, for it is not there. I was in love, of love, and from love.

In the background of my mind, the Master Teacher was relating the thought system unlocked by the Course with the tenets of Mind espoused by Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount. As a man thinketh so doth he perceive. The experience of eternal life demonstrated by Jesus in His Resurrection, maintained the Master Teacher, is the same truth advocated by quantum physicists in their recognition of the unreality of observed form. I saw that the Master Teacher was speaking of the very experience of integration of which I was, in that moment in joyous awareness. "There is no world," the Master Teacher was saying emphatically. My experience confirmed this outrageous statement. I was in the world but not of it. I was sharing a vibratory pitch of energy that was so inclusive the separate nature of the world that I had known disappeared. I was One with the Universe. My kingdom is not of this world. All the Biblical phrases of the New Testament were rushing back into my agnostic mind with the reverberation of Truth.

I began to see that this tiny band of activists was right. The Second Coming was at hand. Jesus wasn't reappearing as an objective form outside of me. He was reappearing as me in my Self-realization of the Singular Reality of God. In a single instant of revelation, Christianity's idea of atonement reconfigured in my mind as the experience of at-One-ment I was having. In A Course In Miracles, the miracle of His Return was being played out in a remarkable story of individual transformation to Wholeness--my story.

At that moment, a hand touched my shoulder and I was aware that the Master Teacher was speaking through me. I was being lifted beyond all thought and conceptual articulation. As I "left", I heard the invocation of my baptism in Light. "Glad is the hand of the Father extending His Love to His Son" and I was Glad.

About The Author

Glad Hancock is a Teacher of A Course In Miracles. The Miracle Times :

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Teori Gempa Prof. Tsuboi

"Wilayah pelepasan energi gempa sekitar 300 km x 300 km. Bila salah suatu wilayah telah melepaskan energi, maka wilayah di sekitarnya akan mengikutinya"

Pak Josh, pakar penginderaan jauh kelahiran Bandung menulis lewat milis RSGISFORUM:
Kalau merefer teori Prof Tsuboi (teori yang mungkin kurang dikenal khalayak, beliau hidup 1902-1982), wilayah pelepasan energi dalam bentuk gempa bisa dibagi menjadi blok-blok dengan luasan kira-kira 300kmx300km. Bila salah suatu wilayah telah melepaskan energi, maka wilayah disekitarnya akan mengikutinya hingga kondisi tenang di jalur tumbukan plate.
Teori simple ini mungkin bisa digunakan untuk menerangkan rentetan gempa di Indonesia yang diawali dengan gempa Aceh selanjutnya beruntun terjadi di Sumbar, Bengkulu, Lampung, Yogya dan sekarang di selatan Jabar.
Wilayah lain yang belum mengalami gempa atau pelepasan energi ini, mungkin perlu perhatian tersendiri atau setidaknya berjaga-jaga.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Dentuman -awan vertikal- gelombang pasang

Maafkan saya bila tulisan di bawah ini ngawur dan tidak ilmiah...

Gelombang pasang telah menyapu sebagian pantai selatan Jawa (17/7). Dari sekian banyak berita dan informasi tentang kejadian itu, ada satu kabar-kabari berupa spekulasi bahwa gelompang pasang tersebut bukan kejadian alami. Yah, anggaplah spekulasi ini khas orang Jawa: spekulasi "gothak-gathuk" -menarik benang merah dari beberapa kejadian yang (semula tampak) tidak saling terkait.
Anda mengikuti berita KOMPAS tentang fenomena-fenomena aneh di Bantul pasca gempa 27 Mei 2006 ?
Diberitakan, saat ini penduduk Bantul khususnya di dekat pantai, sering mendengan suara dentuman dari dalam tanah. Suara dentuman ini tidak hanya terdengar sekali, namun berkali-kali dengan intensitas berbeda. Fenomena lainnya adalah munculnya cahaya terang yang meluncur di atas langit disusul awan vertikal. Beberapa orang pintar dari UGM (pakar geologi, geografi) berusaha memberi jawaban atas fenomena ini, sayangnya bukan jawaban memuaskan yang terdengar. TV7 pun ikut menayangkan fenomena ini.
Kini ada satu kejadian alam lainnya: gelombang pasang dengan kekuatan besar yang mampu menyapu pantai selatan Jawa.
Bila tiga kejadian tersebut disandingkan: dentuman dari dalam tanah - awan vertikal di langit - gelombang pasang, kira-kira apa ya benang merahnya ?
SMS (konyol) yang masuk di handphone saya: ini percobaan nuklir....

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Jurang Di Antara Korban Tsunami dan Penerima Proyek

Kenapa pula Tuhan meng-install nurani.exe dalam otakku?
Andai tidak ada program antivirus itu di diriku, tentu aku bakal nyaman-nyaman saja menerima dua fakta berikut:
Fakta pertama dari kompas (13/7) hal. 23 berbunyi: "....mereka mengusir kami dari tenda, sedangkan rumah kami belum jelas kapan dibangun. Lelah kami mengajukan pada panitia desa agar membangunkan rumah di bekas rumah saya yang hancur karena tsunami di Desa Emperom."
Fakta kedua berasal dari SMS yang nongol di Samsung bututku pada hari yang sama, menjelang magrib. Kiriman dari karib lama: "Mas aku di Aceh, kebetulan kita membutuhkan ahli GIS. Kontrak per 6 bulan ditempatkan di BRR sebagai technical assistance, rate 12-15 juta depend on exp."
Duh, sayang banget nurani.exe susah di-uninstall karena menyatu dengan operating system!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Pak Eko masih di tenda biru

Sore ini (3/6) tanpa disangka, Pak Eko menelepon saya. Surprise. Pak Eko -nama lengkapnya Eko Dahat Kuncoro- adalah teman seangkatan waktu masih kuliah di Fak. Geografi UGM. Tapi jauh sebelum itu dia adalah teman sepermainan saya; bahkan sejak potongan rambut kami masih punya "buntut urang".
Karena sama-sama tinggal di Bantul, tidak jarang kami pulang kuliah bareng. Dia naik RX King dan saya naik Suzuki bebek.
Hari ini dia menelepon saya. Semata-mata untuk menanyakan keadaan keluarga saya di Bantul. Hemm, untuk kesekian kalinya saya mengulang cerita yang mulai terasa tidak menarik: rumah roboh, ibu ngungsi di Kediri, dst... Walau saya mengalami sendiri bencana gempa, namun saat ini cerita gempa bukan lagi hot news buatku.
Sekadar mengisi obrolan dengan Pak Eko, saya pun balik menanyakan keadaannya.
Jawaban Pak Eko membuat saya jadi begitu kecil dan malu. "Aku masih di tenda biru.." jawab Pak Eko sambil terbatuk-batuk. Tampaknya dia masuk angin. "Rumahku juga nggak bisa dipakai..," papar Pak Eko datar.
Ah, maafkan aku Pak Eko.karena di sini, -di Jakarta- setelah sebulan berlalu aku mulai lupa dengan gempa. Asyik dengan internet, jalan-jalan di Bobo Fair, nonton film "Cars", berenang tiap Selasa dan Jumat...
Sungguh, sapaan Pak Eko membuat saya jadi begitu kecil dan malu.

(Gambar Gereja Klodran terkoyak gempa; disini dulu kami biasa nyolong jambu dan kedondong)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Barat Ketemu Timur

Banyak cara yang ditempuh konsultan pemetaan bila tenggat penyelesaian proyek makin dekat.
Ini dia yang dilakukan salah satu klien saya:
Pusing tujuh keliling gara-gara nunggu pesanan Quickbird (>1000 km2) yang berawan terus, ditempuhlah jalan yang rada miring, pakai pawang hujan!
Jadilah pada hari dan jam yang dijadwalkan bakal ada pemotretan Quickbird di lokasi yang dia pesan, sepasukan pawang hujan memeras keringat menghalau awan dan hujan agar menyingkir ke tempat lain.
Tidak dijelaskan metode apa yang dipakai sang pawang. Mungkin dengan menaruh sapu lidi secara terbalik atau malahan dengan melempar "segitiga pengaman" ke atas genteng...!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Putting God First

by: Margaret (Peggy) (Henderson) Kannaday

When I was a new Christian, The Lord taught me many lessons about putting Him first.

I was raising my daughter, and I was always so concerned about her well-being and education. It seemed that my life was revolving around her.

One day, The Lord spoke to me that if I continued putting her first; He would have to take her home to Himself. He told me that she was “His” daughter, and that He had chosen me to raise her up in the way she was to go.

I was putting my daughter on a pedestal without realizing it.

Later, I was fixing up an old home, and it took me three months to paint the home, plaster the cracks and to clean it. I remember that I was just enjoying the home so much after I finished the work, and I would often think of how much I loved the home, the yard and the beauty there. The Lord again spoke to me, and He asked me, “Would you be willing to leave this home right now if I asked you to leave?“ I thought about it for a second, and I said, ”Yes, Lord“. He then allowed me to stay in the home for several years after that.

God requires first place in our lives as He did with Abraham when He told Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son. We always talk about the blessings of Abraham, but Abraham was totally obedient to God in being willing to obey God. We will be blessed when we put God first in every area of our lives.

The Lord taught me about money many times. I remember one day, when I was making plans to attend a Christian Breakfast Meeting that would cost $6.00 for myself and my daughter. At the time, I was going to school, and so it seemed like an extravagance, and I decided not to go because I needed the money for other things.

The afternoon before the Breakfast Meeting, my good friend came to my house, and she told me that The Lord spoke to her to come to my home and give me a specific amount of money. She then took six one dollar bills and counted them out in my hand. My daughter and I went to The Breakfast Meeting, and I learned that where God guides; He also provides.

Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.“

Our main concern must be to seek what is important in God's Kingdom above everything else. Most of all He requires our love for Him, and others, and to do His will in our lives.

We must always be willing to say Lord, “Not my will but Yours be done”. If we are not willing to say and pray that wonderful prayer; we need to ask The Holy Spirit to reveal what is blocking our total surrender to The Lord.

We are never to be striving after the attainment of money, reputation, prestige or titles because all that we should have will be given to us as we seek The Lord first. Our love for Him is first, and all else will fall into place when we love God above everything else in our lives.

Many ministries have fallen because their emphasis was raising more and more money. They had gotten off of the straight and narrow road which leads to the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 7:13, “ Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:“

Many Christians have gotten off the straight and narrow road in order to seek after the things of the world. The love of the world lured them onto an insidious side road.

1 John 2:15, “ Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.“

The Lord wanted the rich, young ruler to give up all of his worldly goods out of love for Him. We will all be tested in this area. God wants us to always care more for His commandments and His will than we do for our money and possessions. We must always be willing to give away all that we own if The Lord tells us to do that.

1 John 3:17, “ But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?“

God doesn't need our money, but money is a means of exchange, and when we refuse to use it according to The Lord's will and for His glorious purposes; it can become an idol. Money is a common idol, but an idol can be anything that separates us from putting God first in our lives.

An idol can be a husband, a wife, a child, our home, our savings, our jobs, our title, our education, our ministry and the list can go on and on. An idol is what we think about, talk about and seek after more than we think, talk about and seek The Lord, His Kingdom and His righteousness.

An idol is anything that has become a god in our lives. For those in sin, it could be alcohol, sexual lusts and/or perversions, gambling, pornography, adultery, fornication, lying, stealing and the list can go on ad infinitum.

We must always make sure that our source of strength, wisdom, love, joy, hope and faith is based in The Lord Jesus Christ. If we are looking to any other source for our contentment; we must repent and get right with God. We must come back to our first love of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, He is looking for those who will be sold out to Him and not to this world. The world is everywhere, and it permeates every area of our lives, but we must look beyond the world, and the things in this world.

We need to be like the five wise virgins, who were instantly ready and prepared to meet The Lord. The Holy Spirit in them was burning brightly. They had their eyes fixed and their hearts focused on their Lord. They were ready. Are you ready? Are you watching and waiting for Him?

Rev. 3:3, “ Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.“

None of us know when our time will come to meet Him. Our breath is as a vapor.

Luke 21:36, “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.“

We are commanded by The Lord Jesus Christ to “watch and pray”. Why? So that we will be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come upon this earth, and to be able to stand before The Lord Jesus Christ.

We are not to wait until a disaster comes, or to wait until we are ill or dying, but we need to get right with The Lord today. Now, during our good days; we are to seek The Lord with all of our hearts, and to put Him first in our lives.

Psalm 32:6, “ For this shall every one that is godly pray unto Thee in a time when Thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto Him.“

Some Christians during these times, think that they no longer need God or His wisdom, and some even think The Bible is old-fashioned, and that the things of God should be modernized. They use Madison Avenue techniques to raise huge sums of money, and they copy the music and entertainment of the world in order to attract people who love the world and its ways.

Matthew 7:21, Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 7:22, Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? and in Thy Name have cast out devils? and in Thy Name done many wonderful works?

Matthew 7:23, And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.

These leaders cannot make true disciples of Jesus Christ because they themselves are not disciples of Jesus Christ. These “religious” leaders are making their own disciples which are manipulated into their own images. They are not making disciples of Jesus Christ because those that follow them will not be able to know or find the true love, fruit and character of The Lord Jesus Christ in them. They will find a counterfeit Jesus that is formed in their own image.

Their main goal is to gain more and more popularity which then produces more money, power and prestige. They sacrifice the real truth found in the whole Word of God in order to win many people to themselves. They find Scriptures that entice their followers into believing that their luxurious lifestyles are Biblical. People who are not grounded in the true Word of God are easily deceived. Jesus Christ warned us about these hypocrites repeatedly in His Word.

Matthew 7:15, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Matthew 7:16, Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Matthew 7:17, Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.“

These religious leaders are not putting God first or His Kingdom because they are building their own kingdoms. All that they are building through their own efforts will be burned up as wood, hay and stubble. Only The Lord Himself can build His church, and then the gates of hell will no longer be able to prevail against it.

These charlatans preach an easy salvation without the conditions necessary for true conversion. These religious leaders and those who think that their salvation is easy and light need to have a fear of the living God. We have heard about a God that is of our own creation, but we need to study the Word and find the real Jesus Christ, and the real Gospel message.

Phil. 2:12, “ Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in My presence only, but now much more in My absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.“

The Word of God tells us that only those who obey God and endure to the end will be saved. The attainment of our salvation by Jesus Christ on the cross was not easy, and our denying ourselves, taking up our crosses and following Him will not be easy, but by The grace of God we can finish the race victoriously.

Tit. 2:12, “ Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;“

Our blessings are not automatic, but they are based on contingencies. These requirements are clearly stated by our Lord throughout The New Testament. Jesus commanded us to love Him first, to love even our enemies, and He said that if we loved Him; we would obey His commandments.

2 Tim. 3:12, Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

Are you suffering persecution because of your walk with The Lord Jesus? Many true Christians throughout the world are suffering persecution because they follow the Lord. Many are being persecuted by the religious leaders and their many followers because they are preaching The pure and holy Word of God.

When you put God first; you will no longer be a man pleaser. If you are still trying to please people for your own purposes; you cannot be a servant of Jesus Christ.

Gal. 1:10, “For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.“

When we refuse to put God first and as Head in His church; the church will not have its needed power, authority and effectiveness. When we stop doing everything“our” way, and we start doing everything in the church His way; we will experience the magnificent, glorious power of God in The church. When The church becomes one, and it becomes all that God ordained it to be; the people of the world will know That Jesus Christ is The Son of almighty God. When they see Him and His love in His people; then they will believe and know The Lord Jesus Christ.

Many “religious” leaders want to make their own doctrines, their own rules, and their own methods which are no different from the ways of those who never knew The Lord Jesus Christ. These are those who believe that they are rich, well-dressed and they think that they know everything and can see, but Jesus says that they are poor, naked, miserable and blind. It is very sad because those who have so much of the world's goods, titles, prestige, money and power are unable to discern or understand their true condition. Jesus says to them:

Rev. 3:17, “ Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

Rev. 3:18, I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.“

Jesus is giving these “Christians” wonderful advice, and He is even standing at the door of their hearts trying to come into their hearts and lives. They have ceased to put God first in their lives.

Wealth, prestige, possessions and power have turned their heads away from God. They think that they no longer need Him or His Truth. They have become very “prosperous”, but it is not the kind of prosperity that The Lord honors. God honors the prosperity found in a soul that is totally yielded to Him. God's prosperity consists of having a pure heart, a right spirit and clean hands before Him.

There are so many godly men, women and children who are humbly working out their own salvations with fear and trembling. They are following The Lord Jesus Christ every day, and seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness.

These are those who will go through much persecution because they have chosen to live a godly life and live righteously in a world that is completely opposed to living a pure and holy life. Mat. 5:10, “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.“

These are those who have put God first, and they will be greatly blessed.

The Lord came to earth with nothing, He didn't have a place to lay His head and He was of no reputation. He came to set the supreme example for all of us as He said that we are to deny ourselves and take up our crosses and follow Him.

He had nothing, but He accomplished more than all others by laying down His life, and by putting His Father first. He only did what His Father gave Him to do. He had given up everything in order to fulfill God's glorious purposes.

We are called and commanded to do the same. It is not an easy salvation, but it is a great salvation that cost God and The Lord Jesus Christ everything. Through God; we can do all things and nothing that He requires will be impossible to those who believe and trust in Him. Real success is putting God first in every area of our lives.

About The Author

Margaret (Peggy) Kannaday has been the managing editor for The “Church Growth International” Ministry since 1991.
She was The Director of The International Briefings and The International Home Cell at The "Yoido Full Gospel Church" in Seoul, Korea for many years.
She has written the book entitled, "Church Growth and The Home Cell System", and she has written for The Evangel Magazine, The Living Waters' Magazine, and she is a regular contributor for The "Church Growth" Magazine.
Peggy holds a M.Ed. degree and a B.A. degree in Clinical Psychology.
In 1972, Peggy had a life-transforming experience with The Lord Jesus Christ, and she has not been the same since.